When you find your tribe, you just know.
Over the last two years I have virtually met incredible women from all walks of life, different nationalities, different beliefs, different ages and all with very different businesses.
Daily inspiration, support, reassurance, learning, brainstorming, cheerleading, and collaborating.
A few I have met in person which has been awesome.
That’s not easy when you have severe sight loss, and a chronic illness, which is why most of what I do with networking, connecting and my own training is done online.
It allows me the flexibility I need to try and balance essential rest, and all without judgement.
If you are a woman in business, looking for an inclusive and diverse community to welcome you, then look no further than Mums/Moms In Business International.
This time next week I will be in Ireland, meeting some more amazing MIB’s in person, and getting ready to speak at the Fempower: Conscious Connection Event. If you can’t attend in person, there is a charity fundraising raffle you can donate to, giving hope to DV survivors and their children globally.
Business is about more than just making money, it’s also about fulfilling your mission, having fun, friendships, opportunities, collaborations, conversations and so much more. Well it is at MIB, and if you’re not feeling that, then you’re missing out!
None of this would be possible if it wasn’t for the incredible human that is Leona Burton, who has created this phenomenal community.
PD. Graphic with a pink background with bold black text that reads: MIBs rock. Just sayin’.

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