Part 1.


Hopefully a magical time, full of treats and delights for all ages.

Shining lights and glittery packages all have wonderful appeal for our little ones and all around Christmas songs are heard, over and over again, which is just perfect for practicing your signing!

This holiday season is a hugely busy time of year with parties and plays, presents and posting cards, trees and tinsel, friends and, hopefully, lots of fun!

But some little ones might find it unsettling.

Actually, I think most little ones find it unsettling.

I know that I need to mentally - and physically - prepare myself ahead of time and I already know what to expect, when.

In this busy season, we might need to slow things down.

We all thrive in the safety of routine and knowing what comes now and next (that's another post!)

So having signs like Home and Cuddle up your sleeve can help your baby or toddler to let you know that they need the familiar, comforting and safe space of your arms, or home.

These simple signs give you the easiest way to see that your tot has had enough before overwhelm sets in and preventing tears from quickly following.

Shelley's Signing Tip: Most little ones won't sign cuddle at first - they will simply lift their arms and make their 'up' noise. This is the perfect opportunity for you to double check, asking if they would like a cuddle as you sign the word.

This shows your little one that you understand what it is that they are asking, you are checking that this is what they want (respectful care / consent - it is never too early - and yes, that's an new post too!) and showing them the sign, in context, so that they can sign it for themselves when they are ready.

Any questions?

Let me know!

Shelley x

#parenting #overwhelm #toddlers #babies #tired #comfort #communication #babysign #babysigning #notjustforbabies #christmas #holidayseason #toddlertantrums #meltdown #earlyyears #sensoryoverload #responsiveparenting #slowdown
