You’re not alone with Imposter Syndrome | ft. Laura Teare-Jones

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It’s hard to make the most of social media when your Imposter Syndrome is telling you that you’re annoying your followers when you share a salesy post. I’ve had a chat with Laura Teare-Jones to get her thoughts on the matter:

“In the past, I have felt big-headed for talkin

What is Imposter Syndrome?

“Imposter Syndrome is a naggy voice in your head that tells you that you can’t do something, or you shouldn’t. It’ll tell you that you’re not good enough, or you got to where you are because of luck, as opposed to your skills. Imposter syndrome can sound like “I’m not good enough”, “What if people find out I’m not as good as they think I am”, “Who do I think I am trying to do that?” and “That was a fluke, I was lucky”. In business, it can also sound like, maybe “If I just do this course and get this certificate, maybe then I’ll feel more confident….” – Laura

When it comes to your social media, it’s a lot of “No one cares about that post”, “Who am I to post that” or even “I posted about that last week, posting again is going to annoy people”. And yes, I get it too! Knowing what works and trusting the plan, isn’t always easy when it comes to promoting our own business – that’s why I act like a sounding board for my clients!


Three top tips to fight Imposter Syndrome

1. Get to know your Imposter Syndrome.

“Imagine that this naggy voice in your head, was actually a fear, a real vulnerable fear. Take some time to check in with yourself, and ask yourself, what is this fear? Is it a fear of what people will think? Why? Is it a fear of not getting any response, kind of like a fear of rejection? Starting from a place of understanding your Imposter Syndrome is really important for working with it and not letting it hold you back. And it’s about being compassionate with it – because getting frustrated with ourselves rarely helps and only makes it worse! So you’re making friends with the naggy voice in your head, and almost saying, “Okay let me listen to you, what have you got to say?” because actually, it’s just your brain’s way of communicating.” – Laura

Thinking of Imposter Syndrome as a friend is interesting because, let’s be honest, if any of our friends were that horrible to us, they wouldn’t be our friends for very long. But thinking of Imposter Syndrome as a fearful friend is genius! If a friend came up to you and said “I don’t feel good enough”, you would act very differently.


2. Give yourself a reality check and counteract.

“We’re so good at focusing on our flaws and the gaps that we have, and this is where procrastination comes in because rather than just putting out a post on social media, we start thinking about doing another course because we don’t know enough about our area of expertise. And so if your Imposter Syndrome is telling you, you aren’t good enough to post on social media, or people will think you’re big-headed for shouting about your business wins, give yourself a reality check, and aim to counteract the naggy voice with someone more neutral and objective or even positive by acknowledging your achievements if you can. This will take practice. Examples: “I don’t have enough knowledge or I’m not an expert” – Knowledge check: try writing a list of all of the skills and experiences you have that have gotten you to this point. Is it that you have lived experiences of the problem you now help your clients, with? If so, the world needs to hear your story!” – Laura

Sometimes what your Imposter Syndrome has to say is actually interesting. I’m 23, and my Imposter Syndrome likes to remind me that I’m too young to be self-employed. But on the day I first spoke to my current biggest client, they said that my age was one of the reasons they wanted to work with me. That fear should have been a selling point.


3. Remember your ‘Why’.

“Lots of the people who I work with, agree that their role now is the person they needed 5 years ago, or 10 years ago. That’s certainly true for me because I remember when I first went self-employed feeling like I just needed someone to cheerlead me, hold my hand when I first published my website, and boost me up when my Imposter Syndrome told me I shouldn’t try. The work that I do now, is very much to be that person who I once needed. And in your business, you will provide a solution for a problem that has resonated with you personally at some point. Shift your perspective from perfection to progress. Highlight instances where you’ve overcome challenges learned new skills, or stepped out of your comfort zone. Emphasize the journey of growth and development rather than fixating on perceived shortcomings, and take small, consistent steps to stretch your comfort zone.” – Laura

Remembering your ‘why’ isn’t just something you keep to yourself. Next time your Imposter Syndrome is stopping you from posting on social media because a sales post feels too pushy, an educational post feels too big-headed, and a personal post feels too insignificant, share a post reminding your audience why you do what you do. But remember to include a question in the post. Start a conversation around the things that mean the most to you!


My Featured Guest

“One of my top values is Togetherness – I love being in a room and feeling so inspired by the amazing work that the other people there are doing, whilst at the same time, knowing that actually, those incredibly successful people, are just normal people. They’re not ultra-lucky. Like you, they work hard and have the knowledge and skills to be successful and thrive even when they’re up against it.” – Laura

Laura Teare-Jones is a hormone, mindset and business coach who supports women to prioritise what matters most to them, and GET **IT DONE! As well as coaching, Laura also runs a monthly co-working and networking event in Chester (that I will make it to one day, I promise!).

Find out more about Laura here:


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Tesni xx

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