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How much importance do you place on topping up your energy levels? What do you do to top-up when we are at the end of the weekend?

Thursday is the day where we find ourselves looking forward to the weekend but also the day where we are sometimes struggling for motivation. I call it the 'Thursday Slump'.

Working with fragrances, i'm one of the lucky ones that can pick herself up by going and making. When I find myself needing that burst of energy, uplifting and citrus scents are what I like to work with.

Some of the most uplifting scents that work for me are: lemon and orange which are well known for their invigorating properties. Fragrance oils although different from essential oils, do still have that all important structure to them and do uplift you.

Then we have lavender. Whilst generally being used for relaxation in spa's and at night time to promote a better nights sleep, it has a calmness about it which has uplifting properties that evoke a sense of calmness and tranquility which both improve your well-being.

Peppermint along with Eucalyptus are also fresh and uplifting. Not personal favourites of mine however, they do have similar properties in that they will uplift you and improve clarity and concentration.

Surrounding myself with scents doesn't always work though. so, there are other things that I like to do instead. Napping is one of them, although, I do try to stay away from this one as much as possible. Otherwise I end up with a 10 mins nap turining into a good few hours and then being awake at stupid o clock and unable to do anything because the rest of the house is sleeping.

When our bodies are telling us that it needs time to relax, there are three things that I like to try before the nap wins.

  1. Put whatever I am working on 'to bed' and then go and relax in total peace quiet, putting my phone away and enjoying that calmness
  2. Pop Nina's lead on her and take her for another walk. You can never get outside in the fresh air too much. It is energising, good for your overall fitness and gives you a chance to clear your head.
  3. Pick up a book. Immerse myself in the words that are flowing in front of me and put it down when it feels like the right time to do so.

Here are some top-up-tips that you can use that may help you with that Thursday slump.

  1. Stay Hydrated
  2. Eat a balanced diet
  3. Limit your caffeine and sugar intake (says me who sits down with a coffee)
  4. Regular exercise
  5. Take a break 
  6. Prioritise your tasks and make a Must-Do; Want-To-Do; Priority lists and focus on the one that you feel needs done first.
  7. Stay organised. It can help to make working life less stressful as you know where everything is and you don't need to panic when you need to find/do something in a hurry.
  8. Socialise is the best one (i think), away from work, chatting and laughing. The best remedy.
  9. Limit your screen time

Happy Thursday.

Fi x



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