Get Moving in May

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This May I'm on a mission to move more,for my both mental and physical health. love for you to join me

Okay, so this months topic is also to keep myself accountable and keep moving. I need to exercise for my physical and mental health. If I stop moving my joints hurt, I feel really sluggish and generally low, so why am I not consistent with it? In my case, it's excuses. I'm too busy, I'm too tired, It's too cold/hot/wet outside. I will always find an excuse, this is actually not fair. I am fit, well and able to do it, so I actually have no excuses. There are so many who physically can't and would love to, there are so many who have disabilities yet make it their mission to move daily. So, I am going to make sure I move more in May! Who is with me?

For anyone who wants to start or wants to become more consistent with exercise, it has to be something you enjoy, find your thing, if you don't enjoy it or causes too much pain you won't stick with it. 

Walking, running, yoga, lifting weights, boxing, skipping. I could go on and on, there is such a variety and so many you can access online for free or get social and join a club or gym. Exercise does not have to cost a penny, it can be indoors or outdoors, it can be as gentle as you need it or more intense. The choice is yours. 

I'm choosing to mix it up this month, I'm going for daily yoga, at least 8000 steps daily, 4 days strength training such as lifting weights or resistance bands and daily Hula-hooping for 5 minutes. I am peri-menopausal and my joints and loss of muscle are being really affected by the loss of estrogen. I owe it to the future me to start looking after my body now before it's too late. I'd love you to share your journey to get moving more in May, yours doesn't have to be as much as mine.

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