Education vs Edventure

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Penalising parents for choosing quality family time and Edventure over their education; ridiculous or acceptable?

As a parent and a travel enthusiast we have travelled all times of the year. Pre schooling years it wasn't an issue and we could choose what Edventure we took the kids on.  I say "Edventure" because travel expands the mind, children learn so much from travel. 

Recently the UK government have declared to Local Authorities that parents who choose to have their annual family holiday during school time will face fines and possible prosecution for doing so... 

Families with working parents need time to spend together. It's not a case of but they can do that in the school holidays... most companies have a policy of only a number of employees permitted time off at the same time, in a busy office it's not going to work; for example: 

My sister is a senior manager for a large company in an office of over 50 people. I'd asked her to join me on a day trip. She was unable to take the days leave because 5 other people had the same date off already. Nobody covers her work when she's out of the office, nor does she cover these people... it was a matter of physical people booked off. (The date was for May half sister doesn't have school age children, so doesn't appear on the priority list for school holidays!) 

This is the type of issue parents are facing... along with the price hike of travel during the school periods AND the week before and after those peak dates... 

I DO understand children need an education and disrupting their schooling continually can be damaging to their learning attainment, however, that crucial family time is equally important and learning is not just found in a classroom

Now, "Edventure" is where I state there is so much potential for learning; Flying from an airport - How do the bags reach the right plane??! How many planes are taking off and where are they going in the world? The different plane sizes, the different airlines... the organisation of planes taking off and landing - a thousand questions about PLANNING! 
Get them a map of where you're going - a global map AND a local one so they can see their surroundings- or get them to DRAW a map when you've arrived so they can understand their surroundings. 

When travelling to a new location, the people can give children an incredible learning lesson; from their accents or different languages, to their mannerisms and cultures, their traditions and religions. 

Children should be encouraged to look around when on holiday, to take in the architecture and structure of towns and cities. 

Food is especially exciting when visiting somewhere new, different places use different ingredients and cooking techniques, plus what grows in those places? All things children learn whilst away. 

Communication! Children love to share what they're doing and when their minds are full of information and joy they want to tell people about what they've done - we should be listening and applauding their understanding of what they've seen and been shown. 

Examples; children are walked to their local village church from their school vs parents taking their children to the Middle East and visit a large Mosque. Opening their minds to accept different religions of the world. 

A school visit to the Tower of London to learn about Royal heritage and history vs Visiting Pearl Harbour in Hawaii and learning how it impacted World War 2 

School trip to the local zoo or wildlife park vs a family safari to witness animals in the wild, learning about the eco systems and conservation challenges

A family weekend to the seaside vs A Spanish beach holiday where the children can choose fresh dishes of locally sourced meat/seafood and fresh veggies and fruit

Each experience is different for each child and each family, travel makes you richer and enriches the mind and soul. 

So, for me and my family we will be looking for our Edventures in Travel to continue, to expand our minds by delving into new countries, cultures, religions and experiences around the world

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