Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

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It's September, It's time to get back into the swing of things

Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

September is seen, for some, as a new start.

It’s a new academic year in the UK and as our children open their brand-new pens and pencils, many start to get organised for those final few months of the year, so after the UK summer it can feel like a fresh start. New season of August around the corner too and September 2023 has the energy of the 7 in Numerology which encourages growth and Trust

 Here are 7 tips to help you explore your own new beginnings and growth after a holiday or break:

  1. Reflect – Start with reflection, where you are and where you want to be and what you       have achieved. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and help plan the next steps.
  2. Set your Intention – It's important to understand what you want and being honest, it’s one thing I struggle with, however when I take time to journal or ask for my own guidance, the goals do come. Dream big or dream small, it’s your life but trust you can achieve.
  3. Break it Down – Larger dreams can seem daunting so chop them into smaller chunks. One day at a time, remember!
  4. Celebrate All of Your Successes – Give yourself credit daily, for things you have achieved and things you have said No to.
  5. Be Inspired – Learn something as often as you can or home in on a subject/hobby you like. Feed the brain, the benefits are amazing.
  6. Nature – What’s the saying about blowing away the cobwebs. Try and spend sometime outdoors each day, the fresh air really does help with mindset and clarity.
  7. Breathe – I am all for personal development and positivity on a daily basis but some days I feel overwhelmed, nervous, anxious etc and I have to remind myself to breathe. Take 5 minutes. Sit down. Have a brew and breathe


I hope you find these tips helpful and do let me know which one if not all you will make an effort with this September. Remember I’m here to help but the most important thing is to take it one step at a time and recognise your successes along the way –

You’ve got this, it’s time……
Time To Believe

Sharon x


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