Living unapologetically, as only you can! Embracing the Journey After Fifty the Second Half of Life

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Embracing those numbers, wherever you find them and shining as only you can, this is your true essence. Self-discovery, wisdom, and empowerment after fifty. The importance of sharing life stories, and embracing every opportunity with confidence and authenticity.


The Invisible Woman: Myth or Reality?

I’ve heard this said a lot lately by women of a certain age or beyond “Once I became fifty, I became invisible to the rest of the world”. I cannot recall hearing these thoughts before and wonder if it is just one of the current ‘buzz quotes’. Or is it because I have in the last few years passed this birthday? It could possibly be a combination of the two.


Through-out my friendship circle I’ve heard a combination of fear because they have passed this birthday and still not found the soul mate that they are searching for and acute gratitude that they have made it to this landmark birthday, when some of their loved ones have not.

Celebrating Milestones: Gratitude and Self-Discovery After Fifty 

I am so thankful to reach an age that many unfortunately do not entertain. As each year passes, I feel that I am discovering more about myself and those around me. I no longer fear or turn away from the truth or mistakes, because they help create and form us. We can’t hide from ourselves, but we can learn to accept and love ourselves. Strangely it takes many of us a while-and by while, I mean, years to do this. Let’s not forget that for the most part, this is eight steps forward and then ten back process…it’s evolution on the grandest scale.


When I first discovered the quote above, that is passing through the lips of so many mature women, I thought, “That’s ok because I want to be bloody invisible” I thought that I would like to disappear to some dark forest to cook up batches of medicines, foraging for the ingredients and giving the general appearance of a crazy lady to be avoided at all cost.


 The Evolution of Self-Acceptance: Learning to Embrace Our Truths

Safe in my own company, protected from the outside world and further pain. But, with reflection, hiding away because of fear is not something that anyone should entertain, especially those of us who have taken on this ultimate journey with gusto, many tales to tell and are currently still surviving the pot holes in the road.

Shining Brightly: Sharing Wisdom and Life Experiences Beyond Fifty

It is our responsibility and right to allow our star to shine brightly for all to see, we should share our stories, impart our wisdom and guide, where it is welcomed. It is now, that we are truly discovering the essence of our being, what really lights us up and shines deep within our souls. Now is the time to bear witness that this journey has joys and pleasure at all ages and euphoria does not end at thirty or whatever is the ‘new whatever age’.

 Aging Without Fear: Defining Ourselves Beyond Numbers

After I reached fifty I decided that I would no longer count my age, that I am just me and not an age or birth date, not to be defined by a number whether my age or waist size-why should I be. Not because I am ashamed of my age but because what does it really matter? What matters are my morals, principles, the kindness that I show to others and how I have travelled through my life’s journey.


I can and will definitely try to share all of my goodness, and hopefully a lot more as I continue to discover the true essence of my being, my desires and my path, as the world opens up to me and I grab each opportunity as it comes along.

 Embracing Opportunities: Living Authentically in the Second Half of Life

I suppose that we could look at it like this, it's a shame that it takes us time to discover ourselves truly, to understand our traits and ways of looking at the world. It’s a disappointing truth that many wait years to show the world their special brand of brilliance, maybe it’s because they have not discovered it yet or have been fearful of rejection and ridicule. It is even sadder when people die with “Their song still inside them” as Wayne Dyer has described it.


Or we could say that as we mature, develop, evolve and grow, our stories and life experiences have more juice, grit and weight to them and this is why we have waited to step out of the shadows and into the light and share our truths with others.


It’s so funny to see those still blessed with youth marvel in “You were born before there was…!” You could insert so many things here, internet, mobile phones, Netflix, etc. And yes for those of us born before the birth of the internet we have stories to tell, songs to sing and adventures to have.

 More from the author Sophia Norley and Here

Pay attention and you may be lucky enough to hear those stories or be a part of those adventures! 

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Life of Love with Julie Hilsen 18 w

I love this insight! Invisible 50 is an option but so is wise, thoughtful, carefree and fun fifty. I love to think, yes, I've been there. I see you because yes in 50 years you get to make a lot of mistakes. You get to see where you took for granted things and people and I believe I cherish things more than when I was rushing around trying to chase whatever shiny object there was. When you have experience with all the ebbs and flows you can have insight and more presence in the idea that yes this moment is fleeting so why not sit with it if you can. Here's to showing up with joy in as your wonderful unapologetic self and also honoring the difficult rites of passage that give you wisdom and compassion beyond measure. You precious presence is a gift to the world.
