3 ways to supercharge your day with Jin Shin Jyutsu

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Busy days call for great energy - and sometimes we can feel a bit weighed down, exhausted and worn out.
If tea and coffee just aren't cutting it, here are 3 simple ways to improve your energy - right now, right here.

Busy days call for great energy – and sometimes we can feel a bit weighed down, exhausted, and worn out.

If tea and coffee aren’t helping so much anymore, here are three ways to improve your energy. Basic energetic principles in simple, easy ways to make a change for yourself.

1) Make a start to have more energy

Check your breathing. Our bodies are fueled by our breathing and our food. If we’re not breathing, our bodies can’t function fully.

With our breath, we can bring the abundance of nature into our being. The energy to recharge ourselves is always available. We simply need to be present and allow the energy into our body with the breath as it comes into our body and lungs.

We also release excess tension and worries back to nature when we exhale. Letting go makes space for new things. Letting go relieves us of the bondage to past things that no longer serve us.

Being with the breath is the simplest way to recharge ourselves.

If you’d like an extended meditation that draws on all the Earth’s energies, watch this video and recharge yourself with JSJ.

2) Add a simple finger hold

Hold your middle finger – we often have dregs of worries and challenges that stay with us long after an experience. Through the energetic pathways in your body, you can clear these dregs and have your personal energy flow more freely.

3) Use a mudra to bring in the cosmic energy

We can access energy resources all the time –  these resources really are always there. By bringing our hands together in this specific way, we bring in this cosmic energy. This is an added way to improve your energy – it may take a bit of practice, and it doesn’t have to look exactly right to have the benefits.

Simply hold your hands close, bend down your middle fingers and touch the nails. Leave your other fingers extended. It forms part of a heart shape. You can relax your hands in your lap after you have the finger positions in place.

This is one of 8 mudras that Jin Shin Jyutsu wisdom offers us. If you’d like more information, I can share more information with you and you can see how they can help you feel better.


See for yourself how you feel when you try one, two, or all three of these options. As with any self-care options from Jin Shin Jyutsu, you can use them anytime, anywhere. If you have questions or would like to experience the added benefits of receiving a session, get in touch with Jackie by clicking here.

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