SHE Awakening® Healing - How Kundalini reiki can help you

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I want to share with you in this mini blog the powers of kundalini reiki. Me or my clients have never experienced anything like this until and the transformation has been those OMG moments.

How kundalini reiki can assist?

What i love about Kundalini Reiki, it isn't like your other reiki systems out there - yes it's taken from the foundations, however for me and to clients it's such a powerful modality.
Kundalini reiki works on balancing out the energy centres within the body aka the chakras.
Blocked energy that blocks our stability, worth, personal power and so on is what hinders us from a normal, fruitful life.

So what are the chakras (energy centers)?

We have over 200 energy centers within the body but we are talking about the 7 main ones.
Root chakra - Stability and foundation
Sacral - Emotions and sexual energy
Sola plexus - Personal power
Heart chakra - Self love and compassion
Throat chakra - Your voice and truth
3rd eye - Your imagination and creativity
Crown chakra - Your connection to the universe, higher source etc.
My style of kundalini reiki is different as it's a blend of a total of 3 different reiki systems, so on a multidimensional level we are bring to the surface unknown trauma, we releasing it aswell as healing it.
This gives us the chance to live a healthier life.
We call up on the life force energy of kundalini reiki to travel with our body aand bring to the serve any known or unknown traumas that doesn't serve our highest good and keeps us bound.
Kundalini reiki will reveal the traumas allowing you to go onto the next step to heal and release. This is what a client had to say...
The power we feel within when we reclaim our powers back, cut the cords that hold alot of unwanted bull really does set us free to just be.
This where transformation begins.
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Reminder: I hold SHE Awakening® Healing session ever 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month £15.55 / $20.20 - next one is 9th June.
See you again soon - Kelisha
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