AI - Friend or Foe?

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We have seen a HUGE boom in the world of AI in the last few years. Should we be using it in our business or turning our back on it?

AI - Friend or Foe?

We have seen a HUGE boom in the world of AI in the last few years. Should we be using it in our business or turning our back on it?

In the last year I was introduced to ChatGPT. I wasn't granted an account straight away and had to enrol on a waiting list before I got a shot! I did have a play around with it on my partner's account and I found it disturbingly fascinating.

The speed in which it would churn out information was astounding! If I asked it something I got an answer in seconds! Now, not all of its answers were factually correct and I did have to teach it a thing or two but I was impressed.

You've probably used AI before - even if it was to create different pictures of yourself. Actually we've been using it for at least a good decade, however now it's gone mainstream and everyone with an internet connection can access it.

I've spoke to many people and clients about the use of AI in their business and I get mixed responses of whether or not they use it, but one thing that does get fed back is it feels 'scary'.

I am also hearing people talk about it stealing other's jobs, it will take over the world, it is the root of evil... things I've heard many times about resources that make our lives easier.

I get it, it is scary because it's unknown. I remember the first time I used the internet on dial up (yes I am that old!) feeling the same, scary and intrigued. Now it is a resource I couldn't do without!

So I'm going to come out of the closet and say -

I use AI. I use it in my business, I use it for fun, I use it for ideas and structures.

If I'm stuck with a concept and want to break it down to make it easier to understand, I use it.

Now as a writer and creative (I'm currently writing my second book and a musical) I get that there does feel like a creative threat from AI. I heard today that when the robots are used for creative pursuits and humans are still unable to have the time to create, stuck in minimum wage jobs we have a problem and I partly agree with that.

AI is clever - VERY clever because it has been programmed that way.


It is ALL about intention of use. As with any resource.

I LOVE TO WRITE! I love to come up with stories and plots. Create my characters by getting out my astrology charts and working out where their sun and moon would be. Imaging how they look, act and behave.


I also have 2 businesses (at least) that benefit greatly from AI.

One of the biggest platforms I use to promote what I do is social media and write now it is a saturated market. I need to post A LOT and consistently. I do all my own social media (and some of my clients) and it would be a full time job to be consistently posting numerous times a day on multiple platforms without the support of AI. So I use it. I programme it in with all the information I want to give it, the tone I want to use, what I am selling, how it helps my audience.

I ask it for structures for email sequences, social media posts, even business plans. Of course I tweak as I go but it is an invaluable resource to me that I am not going to shy away from.

I also have a business that uses AI technology to sell skin care I love.

It's an app that uses AI to scan your face so that it can give you a detailed report on your skin and what personalised products that will help improve it.

There are over 3000 different formulations!

Could you imagine if I had to know about 3000 different formulations? Instead the AI does that work for me and all I have to do is send my link to my customers can try it for free and get a great discount if they choose to go for the recommended product!

Fast Results

Easy Usage

Efficient Experience

With having a big business portoflio they are all things I appreciate!

Here - try it out for yourself - pop on over and see the power of AI - it's fun too! - CLICK HERE TO TRY

For me, AI is my friend and I would encourage you to embrace it, for it's not going anywhere!!

Also, we don't have to sell our creative soul. It is good - but it's possibly too good. Us human's love the real and rawness of our own, often imperfect creativity and that will never change!

I would love to know in the comments if you currently use AI, if you may give it a try now or if you are still, a HELL NO!!

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