Unlocking Business Success: 8 Intuitive Steps

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Join me on a journey where intuition meets strategy, and discover how aligning your vision with intuitive insights can lead to unparalleled success. Learn how to trust your inner wisdom, break free from doubt, and create a business that not only flourishes but also fulfills your soul'

As a mindset and business coach and visionary psychic medium, I understand the importance of aligning your business strategy with your higher self and intuitive insights.

When I was struggling the most with my business, it was because I wasn't truly tuning in and listening to my intuition. If I am honest, I just wasn’t sure I could trust myself, and this became a real cycle. The cycle was not trusting my intuition, which led to struggling with clarity for my business, which then led to a lack of confidence, which circled back to not trusting my intuition. This cycle went round and round until I started tapping in and trusting my intuition. This shift has led to much more success and opportunities in my business and has also opened up my psychic gifts on a completely new level.


A visionary business plan isn't just about numbers and market analysis; it's about creating a roadmap that resonates with your soul's purpose and leverages your intuitive gifts. Here’s how you can incorporate intuitive insights into your business planning for a more aligned and successful strategy.


1. Set the Stage for Intuitive Clarity

Before diving into your business plan, create a sacred space where you can connect with your intuition. This might involve meditation, lighting candles, playing soothing music, or using crystals. If this feels too "woo" for you, simply find a quiet space and enjoy a hot brew. The goal is to quiet your mind and open your heart to receive intuitive guidance.


2. Define Your Vision and Purpose

Start with the big picture, and I mean the REALLY big picture. What is your ultimate vision for your business? What impact do you want to have? Write down your vision and purpose, allowing your intuition to guide you. Don’t rush this process; let your true desires surface.


3. Intuitive Brainstorming

Allow yourself to brainstorm ideas without the limits of inner voice judgments. Your imagination is one of your biggest support tools. After all, nothing can be created if we don’t imagine it first—just take a look around you at all your material belongings. If you wish to dive in a little further, don’t be afraid to ask the universe to guide you, or perhaps use tarot cards or oracle cards for direction and guidance. Ask questions like, "What services or products should I offer?" or "How can I best serve my clients?" and see what intuitive answers emerge.


4. Create Aligned Goals and Strategies with Intuitive Guidance

Once you have a clear vision, break it down into specific, intuitive goals and strategies. These goals should feel exciting and aligned with your higher purpose. Use your intuition to prioritise these goals and set timelines that feel right. For each goal, map out strategies to achieve them by combining practical steps with intuitive insights. For example, if your intuition suggests a particular marketing strategy, research it and see how you can practically implement it. Trust that your intuitive nudges are guiding you towards success.


5. Visualize Success

Visualisation is a powerful tool. Spend time each day visualising your business thriving. See yourself achieving your goals, helping your clients, and growing your business. This practice not only strengthens your vision but also aligns your energy with success.


6. Stay Flexible, Reflect, and Adjust


An intuitive business plan is not set in stone. It’s a living document that evolves as you grow and receive new insights. Stay flexible and open to changes. Periodically reflect on your progress by meditating on what’s working and what’s not. Use your intuition to understand any obstacles and find solutions. Regularly check in with your intuition and adjust your plan to stay aligned with your evolving vision.


7. Implement with Confidence

Trusting in the insights you’ve received and moving forward with confidence is essential. While trusting yourself can be one of the hardest things, take time to work through your objections and negative thoughts. The truth is, the only thing stopping you from having the success you deserve is you. You are powerful and worthy. Take a chance on yourself and envision yourself winning. Implement your strategies, knowing that they are aligned with your higher purpose. Remember, action is a crucial part of the manifestation process too.


8. You Don't Need to Do This Journey Alone

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support your intuitive approach to business. Join groups, attend workshops, and seek mentorship from those who understand the importance of aligning business with intuition. There is a divine world of intuitive-led business entrepreneurs out there thriving. Come join us—trust me, you won't regret it.


9. Seek Support and Community

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support your intuitive approach to business. Join groups, attend workshops, and seek mentorship from those who understand the importance of aligning business with intuition.




Incorporating intuitive insights into your business planning creates a strategy that is deeply aligned with your soul’s purpose. By setting the stage for clarity, defining your vision, setting aligned goals, and staying flexible, you can create a business that not only succeeds but also fulfills you on a deeper level.

Trusting your inner intuition breaks the cycle of doubt and confusion, providing the clarity and confidence needed to move forward. This helps you create success faster and on a larger scale. Embrace your visionary potential, trust your intuitive insights, and watch your business thrive.


Together, we evolve.

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