Ending generational trauma

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Just your weekly 2min blog post on ending generational trauma

When history repeats it self
I have learnt that a lot of the wounds we cry is from our family lineage. For example: a mom not knowing how to love her child because she wasn't shown love.
Then sometimes we look at ourselves like i feel like i am living "that persons" life. When in actual fact even though this may be true it's the activation of an awakening letting you know it's time for a change.
Like in tarot we have the card called the tower. When this card appears you best believe there is gonna be a shake up in your life - like it or not. This is the sign the universe is gonna shake shit up unless you willfully make the change.
It's knowing from the shake up their is wisdom and a chance for you to breakfree. That you will be tried through the worse just to get you out the other side.
But it's from that change comes deliverance, comes clarity, comes peace. So when you realise what you are holding on to, how much emotional it's holding you back - there needs to be a change.
One thing i have stopped doing is linking my identity to the family name and declaring "it runs in my family". I disassociate myself from family lineage unless it's something positive and inspiring.
Why? Because i know the powers of spells that we unknowingly speak and declare, by embracing and attaching my identity to something, in this case a name, means i also embrace the generational bullshit that comes with it.
We are here to identify and make our own path, so find who we are and put an end to what was and pave a way to what is.
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