To Invest Or Not To Invest In Yourself?

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With so many Personal Development and Leadership Development resources available for free, should you invest in yourself?

There is a lot of "fluff" out there. 


"Fluff"? Yep, fluff. Guides, books, videos, classes, webinars, articles, all sorts of free resources to help you in life. You go through them, you feel motivated for a brief period of time, you tell yourself "I must do this" or "I must do that", you even start and... not much happens after that.

Then you come across something else, another book or another webinar, and the process repeats. Over and over.


You usually start with the free ones, just to test the waters. You may even feel inspired to action, or excited, but when you're asked to invest in yourself, the excitement wanes. "Why would I pay for this if there is so much free stuff online!"


Let me tell you why, and why there's no real improvement in your life. Lack of commitment. You have to commit to creating changes in your life. You have to consistently work on the things that stand in the way to you achieving the results you want. It doesn't matter what it is you wish to improve - your health, your relationship, your career, you have to be dedicated to keep working on it and to progress. 


Often you have to go deep into understanding why you do things the way you do, you have to learn to recognize thoughts that stop you from taking actions and you have to be able to turn them around so that you can move forward and up!


This deep analysis and learning how to fully utilise your talents and personal power doesn't come from free resources or discovery sessions. It can't. This is why successful people spend tens or hundreds of thousands to hire professional coaches and mentors.

And not even the best coach can help you if you're not commited, if you're just trying.

Let me ask you a question. Would you just be trying if the price tag was $5000? How about $2k or $1k? Or a few hundred? No, you'd want to get your money's worth. You'd want to see some good results. You'd commit!


How much is your health worth to you? Or a happy long lasting relationship? Or a new fulfilling career? Or successful business? How much is your time worth to you? What if you could significantly improve in those areas in a much shorter time? 


Quality results require quality help and dedication. Remember, "there is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself." (Roy T. Bennett)


And what a way to show you believe in yourself!


Joanna Gore

Owner of Shape Your Own Life

Find Joanna on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram


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