A letter to myself

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I decided to write a letter to myself 10 years ago. When life seemed perfect, before it all fell apart…

 I wanted to share something with you.

I’ve written a letter to myself 10 years ago that I wish I’d received.

Things were about to get really tough and it would take me a good few years for things to start turning around.

I found it hugely therapeutic, and it really let me see how far I’d come.

Why not give it a try and see the amazing person you are now?


Dear Megan

I want to share something with you that may be hard to believe right now. Over the next 10 years, life is going to throw some incredibly tough and devastating challenges your way. Each one will test your strength, sometimes bringing you to the lowest point you've ever experienced. But, there's something beautiful that will emerge from all of this.

You'll discover who your true friends are, and they'll become your pillars of strength. Your husband and family will stand by your side, offering unwavering support and love. You'll get through these tough times, and through the struggle, you'll undergo a profound personal growth journey.

It's this journey that will lead you to become stronger, wiser, and more resilient than you ever thought possible. You'll uncover your true self and acquire new skills. You'll even start your own business, find joy in welcoming a second child into your life, owning your first home, and sharing your space with a loving dog.

Remember, life isn't always about sunshine and roses, but you'll learn to appreciate the good moments, to love yourself, and to cherish the people who mean the most to you. The key message I want to share with you is this: Love yourself, always. When you love yourself, the world opens up to opportunities you couldn't have imagined. It's through self-love that you'll find the strength to face any challenge and the courage to embrace the beauty that life has to offer.

Believe in yourself, embrace self-love, and keep moving forward, because the future holds incredible opportunities for you.

With love, support, and unwavering belief in your journey,

Megan (in 2023)

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