Self Care, Self Love, Self Development!! - It Has to be done!!!

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Do you think that it is all a little bit of hype when people talk so much about self-care and how wonderful it makes them feel? <br>Do you think that it might not be for you – you don’t need to write anything down or do deep breathing or sit in the quiet for 10 minutes? <br>Do you thin

The Start of a Habit ……


It started with me feeling as though there was something missing, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.


I’d got my business in order, I knew where I wanted to be, I knew where I wanted to go, I knew that I may tweak things along the way – that’s ok, that’s how things go.


I’d got no mindset gremlins, I’d not lost my nerve, my confidence, my bottle – so what the heck was missing?


How could I fix this? 


I wrote down a list of everything I could do and what I was happy with.

I wrote down what I had achieved so far and I realise how far I had come.

I wrote down what I wanted to do tomorrow.


And so it began…..


What a weightlifting experience it was….


Now some people can write lots down and have a complete brain download.  If you told me, ok sit there and journal it will make you feel better, I can guarantee I will look at the blank piece of paper for what would seem like a week!!!!


That is not my way.


I found that what was missing in my life was me recognising what good had happened during my  day, what was I grateful for?


You cannot go through each day and not acknowledge the good.  Our mind wants to be our best friend and will do its best to show you exactly what you ask for.


Eg.  ‘I’ve still got lots to do – there just isn't enough time in the day’

Mind wants to be a bestie and thinks oh she wants to see all the things she still needs to do!! So that will be all you will see.


I started to write down 3 positive things which had happened during the day, 3 things which I am grateful for and 3 affirmations.


Now these things didn’t have to be massive things.  Sometimes I was (am!) grateful to see blue sky, sometimes I am grateful to have a good nights sleep.


The positive things might be that I have completed a piece of content, or I’ve a attended a network meeting.


My affirmations were always in the present tense and are always me telling me something fabulous!!


It all made me feel lighter, made me smile as I wrote it.  I was all very easy to write, it flowed.



It has now gone further…


Writing down the positive things which had happened during the day was a fabulous way to end my day.  I never ended the day on a low, always a high.  (I cannot tell you the last time I had a dodgy dream)


I also gave myself self healing time by attending a fellow MiBs SHE Awakening sessions.  My self love maintenance.  Something just for me and it has giving me the tools for breath work to help in stressful situations, and trauma I was carrying around with me has been released and I am now free.


I now have worked at being able to show myself love at other times of the day too.


When I am doing my skincare in the bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror and say affirmations to myself whilst looking myself in the eye. – I am not going to lie, this was flippin uncomfortable at the start!!


I have worked through that feeling and now I can look at myself and tell myself what I’m grateful for, what I’m good at, how I’ve come a long way and that I actually love the person looking back at me.  It’s taken a while but I can do it now and it is so fabulously uplifting, it is amazing!!!


What difference does it have on my business?


Absolutely LOADS!


My vibes are mega high…mega! I absolutely love what I do – I did before, but I think at some point there is a good chance that I might actually burst.


I just want everyone to have this fabulous feeling, I really do.  I am smiling now as I’m typing this.  My fingers are hurting as I’m typing it all so quickly. 


The feeling of having a fabulous life is tremendous, you just have to reframe how you start to look at things, realise what positive things happen to you each day and know what you are grateful for every day. 


I am grateful for being able to post this blog on this platform

I am grateful for the connections I have made through MiB

I am grateful for the love and support of my family


If you are a little bit stuck in your business, your personal life, give this a go and see if it helps you.  Also feel free to drop me a DM and we can have a chat.


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