The Primitive Brain: In a Bit, You Jerk!

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We’ve all had those moments when life just spirals out of control for no apparent reason. It’s like everything has bolted out the door in a mad dash. Suddenly, we’re out of control, mere passengers in our own bodies, speeding towards the edge of a cliff with no brakes.

So, what’s actually happening here? You’re in your primitive brain, that ancient part responsible for the fight/flight/freeze response. As anxiety creeps up (often sneakily), we lose grip on our intellectual mind—the sensible part that makes rational decisions and keeps us grounded. When the primitive mind takes over, it often drags along anger, negative thinking, doom-mongering, depression, and anxiety. It perceives danger lurking around every corner, keeping us on perpetual red alert and leaving us feeling utterly overwhelmed.


So, how do we wrestle back control and let our intellectual mind take the wheel again?


1. First things first: feelings, thoughts, and emotions are NOT facts.

Let’s get this straight—they’re not reality.

2. Step back from your feelings.

Give yourself some space to figure out what’s really driving them.

3. Stick to the facts.

Describe events to yourself factually, without the emotional baggage.

4. Validate your emotions.

Ask yourself if these feelings are warranted or if you’re just winding yourself up.

5. Talk it out.

Find a friend, colleague, or someone you trust. If your emotions are too intense, don’t hesitate to seek help from a therapist who can guide you through.


Now, here’s the kicker: solution-focused hypnotherapy. This gem of a therapy aligns your two minds, intellectual and primitive, during hypnosis, getting them to focus on the same thing. This way, you can tap into your subconscious mind and work positively towards your goals.


So, the next time you feel like life’s running out the door like it stole something, remember you’ve got the tools to pull it back. Stay bold, stay sassy, and keep control.


Feel like your emotions are running away with you? Get them under control by coming to my weekly online Brain Rewiring Class. For £15 a week  you can increase your feel good hormone levels in the brain whilst calming your nervous system.


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Nicola xoxo


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