The Big Four-Oh

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This blog was written from a prompt within the GBE Reincarnated (Group Blogging Experience). GBE was originally started on Myspace (definitely showing my age now) & we grew amazing friendships during that time that still continue to thrive all these years later.

Although there's only less than 5 months until I have to admit that I'm 40 my mind still believes I'm that young carefree woman who once loved poppers on her jogging bottoms, kickers platforms as school shoes, Rimmel birthday suit lippie, Buffy the vampire slayer and the music eras of Slim Shady, Five, Steps, Spice Girls and my absolute favourite Take That. 
I don't like to believe I'm getting older even though my kids like to remind me constantly, this is more evident recently with their new found love for Eminem. 
They can't fathom how I know the words to the songs that have become popular once's like I'm reliving my youth whilst my kids start theirs.  
It's moments like these which reminds me of my younger days when my nan or mum would say "oh they've made a come back then" to some of the fashion choices in my teen years. 
Now I'm the one saying "oh it's made a come back" to a song or even "wow I used to wear things like these" to the clothing choices in the shops. 
When did we become our parents? Or even our grandparents?
Will be there be times where my kids utter the same words generations have before them? 
Getting older is a scary thought...I mean I never thought I'd make it this far with the roads of a misspent youth but as I move closer to that big 40 number, I'm now thinking more about how I don't want to miss out on days, how I don't want time to go by quickly. I want time to stop so I can savour the moments that pass us by, I want to spend more time with my kids making sure they don't grow up fast, I want to dance in the rain and I want to laugh, proper belly laughs. 
As the years have gone by I've realised that even though I think I haven't achieved much, I have in fact gained tons of experience that has helped me through some tough times and some good times.
So although my children may tell me I'm "old now" they don't know that I actually still feel quite young at heart and I bet I can beat my eldest at the Slim Shady rap for sure :-)
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