How to Train Your Mind for Success?

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"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right."
- Henry Ford

Want to know one of the main qualities that a lot of successful people have?

It is the growth mindset! How their mind is set makes up for a lot of their success. 


Here are 3 of the attitudes that a lot of the super successful have:

  • First is a ‘positive mental attitude’, successful people believe in themselves and their abilities and can maintain a positive mindset most of the time. When difficult situations arise, they can still maintain this positive outlook and understand it is just a small setback.


  • Secondly, the ‘I can deal with my emotions’ attitude - Successful people can manage and understand their emotions which is what we make a lot of decisions based on.


  • Thirdly, I am resilient. Successful people can bounce back from hardships and adapt to changes quicker than others to continue moving ahead.


It is estimated that 95% of our mental activity comes from our subconscious mind. Meaning only 5% of the activity is from our consciousness.


So, it’s important to have this knowledge when trying to train your mind for success. 

It is the subconscious you want to work on.

Your subconscious mind has a HUGE impact on your decisions which affect your actions which affect the outcome.


5 Ways to Train Your Mind for Success

I am going to share with you 5 ways you can train your mind for success.


  • Getting clarity on what success means and what you want your life business to look like. Success means different things for different people; it is important you define what that is and not what you think you should.


  • Goal setting, once you know what you want it’s time to get a plan in place to help you achieve the things you want.


  • Align your mindset with the thing that you want ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them’ now that you have the knowledge of the subconscious mind it’s time to find out what isn’t working for us habits, beliefs, behaviours, stories, emotions. We need to work through them and align our mindset with our goals.


  • Visualisation now we know what we want, we know we must change our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings to get that we can create a vision in our mind. The brain does not know the difference between what is real and what isn’t.


  • Watch your language. Your words hold power as your subconscious is always listening, trying to keep you alive and safe. Ensure the words you speak align with the focus of achieving your goal and not the lack of having it. 


Want to work on your mindset? Join us in our challenge - The Mindset challenge for female business owners

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