How do you make your vision a reality?

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How do you make your vision a reality? Well, here are some tips I picked up in January 2023 that I wanted to share with you all. Vision casting, vision boards, wish lists, mandala... whatever your mode these tips can help!

What would you like to see for yourself in the next 3 months, 6 months, a year, or even 5 years?

Whether it's a healthier body, more money, or a successful career, it's important to have goals to strive for. Do you agree?

A great way to achieve your goals is by creating a vision board ( or similar visual support).

This is a board where you can post images and quotes that represent what you want in life. Or it can be a series of drawn images- I have a vision scrapbook where I draw out different areas of my garden and note which plants I want to grow where in time. You can even just journal your vision- write your story imagining everything you want to achieve as having happened already- like a letter to yourself in the future, or someone you aspire to.

These are all ways to envision and set out a vision for a life, job, career, business et al that you love, and we're all about loving life here!

I will share some of the tips I have picked up on how to create a vision board and some tips on how to make it effective. Let's go!

The first step!

The first step in creating a vision board is to think about what you want out of life. Do you have goals for your health, career, family, or finances? Perhaps you want to travel more or learn a new hobby. Whatever it may be, write these things down on paper and organize them by category. This will help you to prioritize what you want most and to focus on those goals.

What comes next?

Once you have your list of goals, it's time to start thinking about how you can achieve these things. One great way is by creating a vision board. This is where you will collect images and quotes that represent the life you are working towards. You can find images from magazines, newspapers, or the internet. You can also use photos you have taken yourself. It's best to choose images that inspire and motivate you to work towards your goals.

When creating your vision board, it's important to keep in mind two things: 1) how you want to feel in the time frame your setting yourself e.g. in January 2024 I want my ____ to look like____ and
2) what obstacles may stand in your way.
For example, if your goal is to be happier in 2023, what can you do today to feel happy now? What are some small things that will help lead you towards your overall goal?

By identifying the challenges that may stand in your way (erm including yourself!! let's be real) you can create a plan of action to help you overcome them, and you can be on track to achieve success.


What now? I identified my desires, the goals I have, and the challenges...

At this point, you should have a vision board that inspires and motivates you to achieve your goals. Keep in mind that creating a vision board is a continuous process. It should be somewhere where you can look at it every day as a reminder of what you are striving for and where you want to be in the future. Sometimes having it on a wall is great and taking a photo of it and using it as the screensaver on your laptop- if you're more digital and have created yours in Canva or a similar app why not get it printed on the cover of a notebook, or as a print for your wall and also save it as your screensaver, or have it printed on your phone cover. There are so many ways you can keep your vision at the forefront and embed it into your subconscious.

With consistent effort, you can make your vision board a reality and create the life of your dreams!

By identifying what you want and working towards it, you can set yourself up for success in your desired time frame. Remember the end goal continue to work hard and take small actions each day, consistently to achieve your dreams. 

Take Back Control, make simple switches, transform your life- it's up to you. Feel free to reach out for a cuppa and a chat and let's talk! I love to talk and to listen- I am a great brainstormer!

I do recommend reaching out to Joanna Gore from Shape Your Own Life or Aoife Gaffney from Prudence Moneypenny if you are looking for a deeper dive into Vision, vision casting and vision boards of all kinds!

Have a fab week,
Aislíng Louise

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