10 Ways to Kickstart Your Best Year Yet- any time of the year!

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How can you make sure that this is your best year yet? It all starts with creating abundance in your life and you can start NOW! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 ways to create abundance and hit the ground running for your best year yet!

10 Ways to Kickstart Your Best Year Yet- any time of the year!

How can you make sure that this is your best year yet? It all starts with creating abundance in your life and you can start NOW!

In this blog post, we will discuss 10 ways to create abundance and hit the ground running for your best year yet!


Most people don't even consider the impact their mindset has on their ability to create abundance and live a fulfilling life. Your mind is incredibly powerful, and it can help or hinder you depending on how you use it. If you want to be successful and fulfilled, then you need to start by working on your mindset. This could mean practising gratitude, visualization techniques, positive affirmations, and other mindfulness techniques that help you feel more fulfilled and ultimately allow you to create abundance.


Your health is crucial for creating abundance in all aspects of your life. Without good physical and mental health, you won't be able to accomplish much, and you'll constantly feel exhausted and unhappy. That's why it's so important to focus on both your physical and mental health if you want to create abundance in all aspects of your life. One great way to do this is to start exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. (If you want to join one of my gut health workshops reach out!)

Declutter your schedule.

If you're anything like most people, you probably have a lot on your plate right now. Between work, family responsibilities, commitments to friends, and more, it can feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. This is why decluttering your schedule can be so powerful - not only will it help you manage your time more effectively and avoid feeling overwhelmed, but it will also leave more time for the things that matter most.

Invest in yourself.

One of the best ways to create abundance in all aspects of your life is by investing in yourself - and not just financially! If there's anything you've always wanted to learn or pursue, now is the perfect time to do it. Whether you want to take a fitness class, learn a new language, or work towards getting your dream job, make the investment in yourself that will help you create abundance and live your best year yet! Do things that make your heart sing!

Write down your goals.

If you don't have any clear goals to work towards, then it can be difficult to create abundance in your life. That's why it's so important to take the time to write down your goals and make a plan for how you'll achieve them. This can help you stay focused, motivated, and on track towards creating abundance in all aspects of your life. Check out the blog post on setting goals and reach out to the experts I recommend for support with this- I can help you with some but not all!

Practice self-love.

One of the most important steps towards creating abundance is to make sure you're treating yourself with kindness and compassion. Whether it's by making time for fun or relaxing activities, taking care of your health, or spending time with the people you love, self-love will help you create an abundant life.

Boost your productivity.

Productivity is another essential component of creating abundance. If you want to be truly successful and happy, then you need to make the most of your time. To do this, focus on getting better at managing your time, prioritizing your tasks, setting deadlines for yourself, and more. For me this meant finding ways to be more productive in business- I use the Boards App, Calendly and Google Calendar to keep myself on track as well as my Love Life Planner. (Yes I have one, but it is not available to the public- yet....watch this space!)

Eliminate toxic people from your life.

And finally, one of the best ways to create abundance in all aspects of your life is to eliminate toxic people from your life. Negative and toxic relationships will only bring you down and detract from the things that matter. If there's someone who isn't bringing positivity into your life, then don't hesitate to let them go! If you cannot avoid them completely then mentally prepare yourself for time with them and plan in 'recovery' time for afterwards. A technique I use is to create a forcefield/bubble around myself. I can hear and respond to what is being said but the hurtful things bounce back off. I don't let them through.

Take action every day.

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to creating abundance in all aspects of your life is that taking action every day is key. If you want to live your best year yet, then you need to make sure you're doing the work - both physically and mentally - that will help you get there. The more action you take, the closer you'll be to creating abundance in all aspects of your life.

Atomic Habits by James Clear is an EXCELLENT book on habit stacking and you can get it paperback, kindle or audible. Myself and my children have all listened to it- more than once! It was a bit of a breakthrough for my son with ADHD.

Celebrate every success along the way.

And finally, remember to celebrate your successes! Whether you're making progress towards achieving a big goal or simply doing something that makes you happy, make sure to take the time to enjoy and appreciate each moment - no matter how big or small it may be. With these simple tips, you can start creating abundance in all aspects of your life right away!

Phrases like... I am grateful for, Thank You for... I GET TO.... are great ways to rewire how we look at even trickier situations we may find ourselves in.

In summary, to create abundance in all aspects of your life, you should:
1. Prioritise your physical and mental health.
2. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.
3. Create a decluttered schedule that leaves time for all the things you care about.
4. Invest in yourself to learn new skills and pursue your dreams.
5. Write down clear goals and make a plan for achieving them.
6. Practice self-love by spending time with those who fill you with positive energy.
7. Boost your productivity by focusing on taking action each day and monitoring your progress.
8. Eliminate toxic people from your life and surround yourself with positivity instead.
9. Take action every day to achieve your goals and pursue the things you love.
10. Celebrate all of your successes along the way!

Creating abundance in all aspects of your life isn't always easy, but it is worth the effort. With these tips and a little patience, you can start living your best year yet today!r you want to take a fitness class, learn a new language, or work towards getting your dream job, make the investment in yourself and watch the amazing results that follow.

After all, knowledge is power - and investing in yourself will help you create abundance in all aspects of your life.

I have so many recommendations I could make for people, books and podcasts for each point but this would be wayyy too long- so, I will come back another time and do that!

Love Life folks!
Aislíng Louise xx

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