The art of letting go

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Mindset strategies to “Let Go” of what no longer serves you and “Let In” what lights you up instead.

Let's talk about Letting Go.

We go through challenges in life and when the situational part is over, well meaning friends, loved ones, even strangers tell us to “Let Go”

Whatever hurt your feeling;

Resentment. A Broken Heart. Pain. Anger. Grief. Being Used. Being Abused. Lied to. Abandoned. Betrayed.

“Just Let Go – you will feel better” they will tell you!

Yet the reality is it’s not that simple, healing is a process and each of our time lines, triggers, support networks is different.

Do people really think that we don’t want to release that tight ball of pain that lies so heavy in our soul, that sometimes we can’t breathe.

Wouldn’t it be great if it was that easy, shut the door to our past and move on without a single glance back!

Of course we know that it’s the way forwards!


How do we do it?
How do we Let Go?
And, what if we can’t?
Then what?

Here’s the thing.

Sometimes… It’s too hard because you are just Not Ready YET!

And that’s okay.

When working through trauma (ours, a friends, a clients) the best thing we can do is listen, with no judgement, no pressure and acknowledge survival is the current state of play!

Instead of the knee jerk “just let it go” response, park that until they are ready and instead encourage them (or you) to think about what could be “Let In” instead.

What would make life feel safer?
More connected?
More effortless?
More valued?
More loved?
More fun?

Ask “what things could be started today just for you that makes your heart lift just a little?”

Try this process, it’s simple, effective and fre!

Take a moment "pause" and figure out what’s right for you.

Define it.

Sit with it.

Make a list of it.

Talk about it.

Move towards it.

Express gratitude as it shows up.

Let It In, and smile and keep your focus the stuff you wanted to arrive.

And Let It In some more.

And then one day without realising
“That Hopelessness” you were wrestling to “Let Go” of will have loosened its grip.

Whilst you haven’t been looking…it has gently started to Let Go of you.

It’s releasing you more every single time you let more of the good stuff in.

Freedom beckons.

Let It In!

PS This is also my story and I have lived experience and professional training and I absolutely promise you that your not alone, life will get better and inner peace is possible. 



If you're ready to level up your self-worth and uncover your true, unapologetic self so that you can create a happier, more confident, fulfilling life that lights you up! 

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Rachael Lemon 14 w

What's holding you back?

“Stepping forward sometimes means leaving something or someone behind.

When we elevate our consciousness, we open up the potential to transcend the fear of loss and muster the courage to move our life forward.”

Vishen; Co Founder Mindvalley

Rachael Lemon 14 w

Notice and praise the little stuff that gets “Let In”

Remember our success and wins folder 📂

Celebrate with a “hell yeah” for the big and fabulous stuff you Let In.

The new friendship.
The laughter over a wine.
The amazing new boots.
The painting your kid drew.
The glorious sunset at the beach.
The fresh air on a crisp winter's day.
The hard but honest conversation that built trust and understanding.

Rachael Lemon 14 w

Lemony Snippets to ask yourself and journal 📝

Do I want to Let In more joy?
More time to move my body?
More clutter-free surfaces in my home?
More clothes that make me feel amazing?
More friendships that feel truly connected?
More laughter?
More lightness?

Or for business;
More clients?
More money?