I’m calling time on saying sorry for sh*t we don’t need to apologise for!

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Three Monday MindSHIFTS

1)Don't burn yourself, to keep others warm.

2)There's more rewards in leading the crowd, than pleasing it.

3)Don't be afraid of losing people, but be afraid of losing yourself trying to make everyone happy.

Have you noticed how much (especially as women) we tend to over-apologise and say sorry when it’s not actually required?!


I hear it far too often, beautiful souls afraid to take up space starting every sentence with the “S” word.


It’s a weird habit, and one that we consciously should put an end to!


Things I am no longer apologising for:


  • Not always being available (time, attention and energy are limited, it’s not personal, it’s just freaking MATHS)
  • Prioritising the things that matter (to ME)
  • Not giving an answer right away (it’s ok to think about it)
  • Working at the pace that’s right for me on voluntary projects (it needs to fit in with my life, not the other way round!)
  • When it’s not actually MY FAULT there is an issue! (If I am in the wrong I’ll hold my hands up and correct it)

I invite you to join me , before the word leaves your lips stop and reframe it.


You are meant to be the heroine of your own story so for heavens sake stop with all the apologies.


Your dreams are valid, your voice matters, and your presence is powerful.


So, stand up tall, speak your truth, and own the room.


Embrace the power within, you are destined to be extraordinary!


PS Over explaining and apologising can be a trauma response, a lack of confidence or a sign of being a people pleaser.


Together we will explore the WHY’s behind this behaviour so if this sounds like you have no fear Miss Lemon is here to guide you through!




hellomynameis Rachael

Modern mystic,

mindset alchemist, 

career strategist,

leadership coach and mentor 

specialising in supporting women "to step up or step away" as the leading lady of their story.


With over 20 year’s experience at executive level and an infusion of intuitive magic, let’s co create your next chapter.

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Rachael Lemon 14 w

3️⃣ Monday MindhSHIFTS 💜🍋

1️⃣Don't burn yourself, to keep others warm.

2️⃣There's more rewards in leading the crowd, than pleasing it.

3️⃣Don't be afraid of losing people, but be afraid of losing yourself trying to make everyone happy.

What would you add?

Rachael Lemon 14 w

Know when to apologise

Of course, there are times when we all need to apologise.

We should apologise when we’ve done something wrong – hurt someone’s feelings, said or done something offensive, been disrespectful, or violated someone’s boundaries.

Rachael Lemon 14 w

A few examples of saying sorry when we haven’t done anything wrong

Any resonate with you?

* The waiter brings you the wrong order and you say, “I’m sorry but this isn’t what I ordered.”
* You approach the receptionists at your doctor’s office by saying, “I’m sorry to bother you. I have a question.”
* While checking out at the supermarket, the cashier accidentally breaks your eggs and sends someone to get another carton for you. You apologize to the shoppers behind you in line, “I’m sorry it’s taking so long.”
* Your spouse makes a racist joke. “I’m sorry. S/he’s not usually like this,” you say to your friends.
* You’re in a meeting and say, “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. Can you repeat what you just said?”