Gold & Self Worth A Unique Partnership

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Gold - whether you love it or hate it, it has an important role to play in our wellbeing and can impact our ability to attract abundance in all its forms. A powerful healing element and a catalyst for change ....

Whether you love it or hate it, there is no getting away from the fact that Gold is a powerful element to work with especially when it comes down to healing, it has been revered throughout history for its healing properties and its used continue to be investigated in main stream medicine too. 

To be honest the need for reactivating our inner Gold has never been more important quite simply because we are being required to run increasingly higher vibrations / frequencies within our bodies and to effectively do so we require our inner Gold to be activated and functioning.

This is not supposition or fantasy it is fact - we are relentlesssy immersed in solar flares,solar winds /storms with high levels of solar radiation bombarding us. We have the moon cycle and it’s magnetic affect on the flow of water within our bodies - and the resultant effects of how that presents. At full moon there is often an increased incidence of emotional reactivity and even of mental health issues, ask anyone in the caring or emergency services sector and they will I am sure have their tale to tell. 

We have solar and lunar eclipses where certain energies are ramped up while others are blocked marginally or completely. We have strong planetary influences and have you ever seen the planets so big or visible as they have been in the last few years? All this and that is before we even look at the energies we live with now day to day - increasing radio waves , microwaves, electromagnetic energies,  WiFi and then add the complexities of the effects of the almost never ending emotional triggers playing out in the world around, from wars to the political fiasco that seems to be never ending.

Our physical bodies are increasingly thrown into a form of chronic anxiety / stress. You hear or see something that worries you,  your worry triggers more thoughts, which when ramped up triggers fight /Flight response to a greater or lesser degree, these involuntry physical reactions then jolts chemical / electrical reaction that increase the physical sensations that we are feeling, which in turn further exasherbates the worry. In effect that creates a cycle that renders our bodies even less able to cope with the increased energetic vibrations that we NEED to learn to run in order to survive.


So what has Gold got to do with this? 


Well Gold is a super conductor, meaning it efficiently and effectively allows the flow of electrical energy, and our bodies require the eletrical energy to flow smoothly in order to function optimaly. Think of the electrical impulse of nerves, and I am sure you will be well aware what static electrical shock feels like when you touch something that is metal and there is a sudden exchange of electrons .. OUCH!

Everything in our bodies is in some way controlled by electrical energy right down to our cells, I have found it a facinating journey to explore. Our bodies are made up of a complex mix of elements many of them metals to list a few we have calcium, magnesium, sodium, pottasium,copper, iron and yes Gold! 


Did you know that the average 75kg human contains around 0.02mg of Gold! 


Tapping in to your own inner Gold can assist you in finding ways to run your bodily systems more effectively, when those electrical signals flow easily there is less discord and discomfort and the body can simply get on with its job. There is a lot of information out there on the healing properties of Gold however there is a catch and quite an important one. If you have a disfunctional relationship with Gold and you are not fully aware of this then you can hinder the benefits of what it can do - not only that your relationship with Gold is very linked to your abundance mindset. 

I have been Facilitating Fragments of Gold journeys since 2019, these journeys assist others to get to know their relationship with Gold and how it may be impacting on their life in many ways they had not even thought on, as well as helping them to get to know how they can use the healing benefits of Gold in their day to day life.  It does not mean that you need to cultivate a love of Gold but being aware of your relationship can help you to move through previous blocks. 

If you are curious to learn more about the healing benefits of Gold or how it is intrinsically linked to self worth you can pop over to my website and download a free copy of my ebook " Gold Self Worth, A Unique partnership"  Sally - Inner Alchemy (




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