Aisling Owens Nash is joined by Sima Jakutaviciute

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Welcome to this week's episode of Marketing Mindset and Motherhood. My name is Ashing Ansnath and I'll be your host today. I'm joined today by Sima Yakovchytte from Physio Live. Thank you so much for joining us today, Sima. I can't wait to have a chat with you. So I

Aisling Owens Nash: Welcome to this week's episode of Marketing Mindset and Motherhood. My name is Ashing Ansnath and I'll be your host today. I'm joined today by Sima Yakovchytte from Physio Live. Thank you so much for joining us today, Sima. I can't wait to have a chat with you. So I think let's get a one-minute intro to who you are and then we'll get stuck into our questions today.

Sima End Incontinence: So thank you very much. I really appreciate that I can talk with you today and share about myself. So I'm an exercise therapist, I'm a physio, and I'm working with women who have problems with their pelvic floor and especially with incontinence. Yeah, so I'm working with these women who want to have more confidence during their life. That's a short, quick explanation about me.

Aisling Owens Nash: And I know that's your very big passion at the moment, but that's not the only type of person that you work with for physiotherapy help because, you know, I'll say this here and I'll be upfront. Guys, I am a client of Simma's now. I have been working with her since last year and she's helping me to strengthen and rebalance my body as I have a little bit of an imbalance and hypermobility. So it's not just for pelvic floor and incontinence, but that's a very big piece and a very focus of yours. Isn't that right?

Sima End Incontinence: Yes, exactly. I'm working actually remotely and I'm helping all people, but now I'm just passionate about it. And I like to help people. I like help people and I help people from all over the world. Because when I'm working remotely, I can help them. Before I was just a physio in my clinic. Yeah. And I worked in person with people and now after lockdown, my life changed and I can help people remotely, finally. I found this and I'm so happy.

Aisling Owens Nash: It's so handy, I have to say I find it really super helpful to be able to just hop on Zoom and have my session and see what I'm doing and learners like, anyway, let's get into your interview before we get too distracted. Okay, so how do you make meaningful connections in your field then?

Sima End Incontinence: So actually I'm so happy to have support from women, because I found that if you haven't any networking, you haven't any friends, you haven't colleagues, people who help you to achieve your goals, you can't help. You can't work, you can't be in your business. So you should have a huge networking. That's the main cause, how you can help people, because you should share about your message, about your service.

Aisling Owens Nash: And what's your go-to for leaving a good first impression when you meet someone in a professional setting then?

Sima End Incontinence: So for me it's just listen. The first thing what I'm doing, I'm listening. The person. And that's a best suggestion for all people that want to help other people to serve them. First, listen.

Aisling Owens Nash: Do you have any tips on keeping and growing relationships after that first meeting? So how do you stay connected and build on those relationships once you've met people for the first time?

Sima End Incontinence: I like that because many people just see each other and hi, hi, nice to meet you and that's all. I always have one main task to write these people after to say thank you that I met you and after just write for the chat, show chat or conversation. That's the main thing that you should do because how you can keep this relationship for a longer time. You should always invest in that. And sometimes people, yeah, sometimes people are so busy, but you should write for them and you should show for them that you want to keep this relationship.

Aisling Owens Nash: I love it. It's so simple. Just, you know, send a message and have a conversation. I mean, that is literally it because building relationships is having conversations, multiple conversations. And it doesn't matter if the comfort, in my opinion, anyway, it doesn't matter if it takes a few days to have a conversation because as you say, people are busy. But if you're having that back and forth, if it's on voice notes or if you do book in a follow-up phone call, so be it. But for me,

Sima End Incontinence: Just simply...

Aisling Owens Nash: Yes, exactly.

Aisling Owens Nash: I find I actually love chatting back and forth to people on messenger or on WhatsApp even because it feels like you're just having a chat. So I love that. You've already, you've touched on this, but why do you think it's important? Why is listening important in networking and how do you practice that well?

Sima End Incontinence: Because I'm working with clients, with patients, that's why I have these skills to listen first, because I should identify what's a problem that client or patient have. So during networking sessions, the same, you should listen. And sometimes you can hear the problems, hear, the things that you can help for this person because you should think that you should help. Yeah. And how you can help, maybe you can share a few contacts. Maybe you can share your knowledge. Maybe you can invite into the event that you know, for example, now I can invite into the main event that I'm joining in October. Yeah. All business women that I know. Yeah. So that's the kind of thing that if you want to help, if you want to solve the problems, you should listen.

Aisling Owens Nash: I love that. And people do remember, especially like if it is, like you said, if you've listened, you've heard that they need a particular connection and you help them make that connection or give them a referral or share a tip. People remember that and they're like, that person was so helpful. They were so nice. Like it is. And that comes back to the, you know, leaving a good impression as well. It's so important. So my next question for you is where do you recommend connecting online for professional purposes then?

Sima End Incontinence: Exactly.

Sima End Incontinence: So the first thing I think you should have is communities. Like I have my wonderful MIP community. And you can find many leaders in, for example, in Ireland, in UK, in Australia, in USA. So I think that you should find your group that always supports you. And you can support this group.

Aisling Owens Nash: Thank you.

Sima End Incontinence: So I totally refer this group because I'm growing with this group together. Yeah.

Aisling Owens Nash: I'm sorry.

Yeah, yeah, I get it. And I mean, you know, obviously I'm going to agree with you because I've had the same experience. Everything that has grown for me has grown through building relationships through this community. And obviously we know there are there's the there is a right community for every individual, but we definitely feel that MIB is a community for everyone because we are so inclusive and we don't have lockouts and we don't have seat rules, you know.

Sima End Incontinence: Guess.

Aisling Owens Nash: It is extremely inclusive and I mean, ultimately, I believe if you are showing up as yourself and being really authentic and genuine, it doesn't matter if five other people in the room do the same thing as you, whether it's online or in person, because you will be attracting different people because people are attracted to the personalities and the energy that they feel about people. And first and foremost, I think that if you

Sima End Incontinence: Exactly.

Aisling Owens Nash: feel really strongly about a person, it doesn't matter what the price point is that they're charging, you will pay them more to work with them if the energy feels right.

Sima End Incontinence: Yes, I totally agree with you and there is no competition, it's just a collaboration.

Aisling Owens Nash: Exactly, exactly, I love it. So how do you find creating a better balance between quantity and quality when networking? Because sometimes I think people can get too focused on networking, networking, networking, networking, networking, and going to event after event after event after event after event. And for me, I don't know about you, and this is why I'm asking you the question, is for me sometimes I think if you're almost at

multiple events every week, it's harder, I think, in my opinion, to build stronger relationships. Yeah, one a week is great. I do one a week online and I do ideally one a week in person, but not always. So for you, how do you create a balance between quantity and quality?

Sima End Incontinence: The first thing is boundaries. You should have boundaries. Your boundaries, you shouldn't answer messages after 10 p.m. It is normal. You should rest enough. Then have your own time. Yes, you should schedule your own time on your calendar. Second one thing. And good quality, quick recharge. For those who don't know about my

second service, I just have a retreat in Morocco. So these retreats are not for my attendees, these retreats are for myself. So I have good quality holidays and then I'm back to work. So that's the kind of things you should have. You should have a balance between quality and quality.

Aisling Owens Nash: It's so important, I mean, I actually need to put my boundaries back in place. I have fallen into the trap of responding to messages after 10 o'clock and I think I was fine and then it became too normal and then it became a little bit. So I need to put that back in place. So thank you for that, I needed to hear it. And to be honest, if I need to hear it, there'll be at least 10 other people that need to hear it as well. So thank you so much. It's a great reminder and I'm so excited about your trip to Morocco. And I can't wait to see all the pictures and hear about all the stories when you get back.

Sima End Incontinence: Thank you so much.

Aisling Owens Nash: I have no doubt.

Sima End Incontinence: And that's a great plan to have a great show.

Aisling Owens Nash: I'll watch it now.

Sima End Incontinence: So you should come.

Aisling Owens Nash: Now we're coming to the end of our interview, but I just want to say that there will be two more. And that's actually I feel like it's gone so fast, I feel like we're just getting going and now we're done. But my final question is for you, what would be your top tip for anyone listening or watching who wants to improve their networking skills?

Sima End Incontinence: So, first of all, you should find the community. You should find a group of people who always support you and you can support them. And then you can find a group of people who will be interested in your message and in your service. And then you should listen. You should listen carefully and have a deep understanding. And after that, you should invest in a relationship. You should talk with people, you should write for them and then you can...

Aisling Owens Nash: I love it. I think I'm going to put that on the t-shirt. I'm going to write for them, that's going to be it. Okay. Thank you so much for joining me today. This was such a lovely chat. I'm sure we could have gone for hours and hours more. And to our listeners and our viewers, thank you so much for tuning in. I'll see you in the next episode of Marketing Mindset and Motherhood. Until then, stay safe and take care. Goodbye.

Sima End Incontinence: Goodbye.

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