5 easy steps to help you manifest in 2024

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5 easy steps to help you manifest in the simplest quickest way!

Manifesting doesn't have to be super complicated, long winded, but it gets to be easy, quick and get you results! 

Step 1

Get clear on what you want, don't look at anyone else and what they want. This just prolongs what you want. It stops you from becoming clear in your own manifestations. Allow yourself to get creative, feel into what you want to manifest and how it would feel to have it now. This is where you need tunnel vision, not to get involved in anyone else's dreams and desires.

Step 2

Step 2 is gratitude. Being grateful for what we already have is so important in welcoming in new. But this doesn't have to be a lengthy process of writing down 50 gratitudes, I mean if you want to do that go for it, but we're talking quick and simple here. You can just say them aloud, or in your head while you're in the shower, or brushing your teeth. Just as long as you mean it, then all is good! 

Step 3

Step 3 is visualising. Visualise your dreams/goals/manifestations. Take 30 seconds each day to just visualise what your life would look like if you already had it all. Our brains don't realise what is real and what isn't it. So the more you think about your manifestations, the more you let your mind wander the real it is going to seem. Which leads us perfectly to step 4. 

Step 4

Step 4 is taking aligned action. Instead of just sitting and waiting for the manifestations to come, go out and make things happen. Take that action every day that's going to help you get closer to your dream. It would be like saying you want to manifest a lottery win without playing the lottery... I mean really? It's the same for anything else... want to make money in your business then put the sales post out. But remember to have fun with this it's not supposed to be serious. 

Step 5

Step 5 is work on yourself. Work on your mindset, your beliefs, you!! This is going to be the most powerful step, as the more you believe in you the more you believe in your manifestations. Now this isn't a quick fix over night but it helps you manifest so quickly! So read the book, listen to the podcast, get a coach/therapist and work on you every day! 

If you want help with all of this then hit me up and let's chat! I have 3 one to one spaces to help you manifest quicker. 

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Pelvic Priestess 40 w

#Mibvisible 🌿🌹🌿

Mandy Anderson 40 w

#MIBvisible love this i need to follow these steps x