What if there was another way that you haven't been taught YET...

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How I started creating my dream life.

I used to hate Monday's with a passion. I always enjoyed my career in Shopping Centre Management (mostly) when I got there but the Sunday night and Monday morning lead up to actually getting there was anxiety provoking for me. I hated the commute, I hated the office politics but mostly I hated having someone else tell me what to do.
I always dreamed of working from home but I really didn't think it would happen for me. I wasn't keen on data entry and everything else seemed too good to be true. I'm glad I didn't look any further into anything back then because I may not be where I am right now. Remember Sliding Doors or The Butterfly Effect? Just one decision can change everything...
I like to think of it as Serendipity the way this all came about. If my friend had told me about it at any other time I would have said no but there was something in that moment that sparked something in me. I was about to do the scariest thing I'd ever done in my life - leaving my ex husband - and my mind was completely OPEN. I was ready for change. I was sick of my life. I was sick of settling for less than what I knew I deserved. I was ready to create a new life, and that's exactly the moment the information was presented to me.
You might know me as the toothpaste girl but that's just the tip of the iceberg. It started with toothpaste but where it went from there is truly mindblowing. 
So while the products that I promote are awesome, that's not what hooked me. What hooked me is the lifestyle I knew I could have and that I now do have because I said yes. I didn't even fully understand what I was saying yes to at the time but I knew something had to change.
When people tell me that they don't know enough people to do what I do, I call bull shit. All of my team and customers over the past seven years were strangers at one point. You see, what I actually do everyday is I connect with people, I find my tribe, I create friendships and build relationships. I share my knowledge with people and provide value and then I make an offer. It might be a product that I know can help them or they might be sick of their current life like I was and they just want something more. I don't force anyone to buy from me or to work with me. It all just happens naturally because they know, like and trust me.
You decide what happens next but let me tell you this. Whether we work together or not, you deserve that fairy-tale life you picture in your mind every day and I know how to get you there if you're willing to take the leap.
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