Detox Your Home, one room at a time!

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Discover the art of detoxifying your home, one room at a time, with Aisling Louise Owens Nash in this Lower Tox Living blog. From the kitchen to the bedroom, explore practical tips and simple switches to reduce toxicity in your living space. Learn about eco-friendly kitchen practices, clea

Detox Your Home, one room at a time!

Welcome to our next topic in this blog series! Today, we're taking a brief look at how to detoxify your living space. I'm Aisling Louise Owens Nash, your guide in this Lower Tox Living adventure, and I'm thrilled to have you on this journey with me, hopefully, I don’t get too nerdy on you!

Our living environments impact our well-being more than we realise, so let’s take a look at each room, uncovering simple switches to reduce toxicity. From the kitchen to the bedroom, we'll touch on practical tips and changes you can make to create a healthier home for you and your loved ones.

Rooms to take a look at today!

  • Kitchen: Discover alternatives to common household cleaners and embrace eco-friendly kitchen practices for a toxin-free cooking and dining space. Ditch toxic drain cleaners for soda crystals, lemon juice and white vinegar!
  • Bathroom: Explore cleaner personal care product options and eco-conscious bathroom habits to turn your bathroom into a haven of wellness. Try tea tree oil toilet bombs for sparkling white toilet bowls this year!
  • Bedrooms: Learn how to create a sleep-friendly environment with non-toxic bedding, air-purifying plants, and mindful practices for a rejuvenating night's sleep. If you can also manage to remove devices here this has a huge impact on your quality of sleep.
  • Living Spaces: Implement changes in your living areas to reduce indoor pollutants and create a harmonious space for relaxation and connection. Swap your harmful air freshening sprays and plug-ins for essential oils, or non-toxic wax melts.
  • Office Spaces: Have a clear filing system set up, and good light and air purifying plants in your space to help keep your mind clear and creative instead of distracted and cluttered.

Your Action for Today:

Choose one room to begin your detox journey. Identify a simple switch you can make, whether it's swapping out a cleaning product or incorporating a natural element into the space.

If you are ready to dive deeper into toxin-free living? Discover the Essential Oil Household Cleaning Ebook for practical tips on transforming your cleaning routine written in collaboration with Janine McDonald from Clear The Clutter Now.

If you are joining us in the next ‘Simple Switches Series’ Janine McDonald will be with us to do a mini declutter session. Together, Janine and I are passionate about supporting one household at a time to create spaces that nurture wellness and simplicity.

Aislíng x

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Karen Sanders Editing 39 w

Love this. My office is in serious need of a detox!