From uncomfortable to unstoppable

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How taking on difficult tasks can transform your confidence and help you reach your goals.

Life is full of challenges, and it's easy to shy away from the things that make us uncomfortable. But what if I told you that by embracing those difficult tasks, you can actually boost your confidence and unlock your full potential?

I used to be shy

My friends don’t believe me when I tell them the story of my school days and how painfully shy I was as a teenager. I had absolutely no confidence and hated being the centre of attention. Just the thought of heading out into the big wide world and getting a job, a career and taking those important steps into adulthood terrified me. But I also knew that I wanted to make something of myself and even at that young age I realised that my fear would hold me back if I wasn’t prepared to step out of my very limited comfort zone and do the hard things.

When we step outside of our comfort zones and take on challenges that push our limits, we open ourselves up to incredible growth. Each time we tackle something difficult, whether it's starting a new business, learning a new skill, or facing a fear head-on, we prove to ourselves that we are capable of more than we ever imagined. In order for me to take the first step towards a more confident future I decided to take on a challenge that had been niggling away at me since I was small, but that I’d never had the courage to face before. I secretly wanted to be an actor when I was growing up, and I hated the thought of living with the regret if I didn’t at least attempt it, so I enrolled onto a Performing Arts course and began my training.

I proved to myself that I could do it

At first my family and friends thought I was crazy. This was an enormous leap for me and they really didn’t imagine that someone so shy could overcome their fears in this way. I think that in a lot of ways this actually spurred me on, I wanted to prove to everyone, and especially myself, that I could do it, even though it was incredibly hard. I failed many times, froze in auditions and forgot my lines often, but I kept pushing myself and eventually I started to improve. My confidence grew and I got offered roles, other people started believing in me too and finally I had made it. I spent six years working in theatre and television until I felt ready for the next challenge.

This will help build resilience 

One of the most powerful aspects of doing difficult things is that it builds resilience. When we face challenges and overcome them, we develop a sense of inner strength and belief in our abilities. We learn that failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone towards success. With each difficult task we conquer, we become more resilient, more determined, and more confident in our ability to handle whatever comes our way. Confidence is not something we are born with; it's something we cultivate through action. By consistently taking on difficult tasks, we train our minds to see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles to be avoided. We become more comfortable with discomfort and develop a mindset that embraces the unknown. By pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones, we open doors to endless possibilities and create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Facing my fears has changed my life!

I eventually moved away from acting and retrained as a dramatherapist. Going back to school to study a Masters was extremely uncomfortable for me. I had been out of education for years and wasn’t really sure if I was clever enough to study at this higher level. But I faced the fear head on and did it anyway and once again my life changed for the better as I opened my own successful therapy business in South West London and once again proved to myself that the hard move had been the right one.

I continue to face my fears and do hard things and it’s taken me on an incredible journey so far. My life has been filled with adventure and excitement, which I am certain I would have missed if my fears had got the better of me and I’d stayed in my comfort zone. It’s now a passion of mine to support other women in finding their confidence so that they can face the challenges of life head on and achieve their wildest dreams, even if they seem impossible.

If you’d like to know how can you start embracing the challenge and building your confidence drop me a ‘Yes’ in the comments and I will share with you my top 4 tips to get you started. Remember, you have the power to achieve greatness, one uncomfortable action at a time.

Thanks for reading! Rachael x

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