The No-Resolution Resolution

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How I decided to have a no-resolution resolution

In the past I would be excited for my new year resolution. And it was not something specific like lose 10kg or 

read 5 books etc. It was a more general concept like: growth, take action, etc.

This year though my mind drew a blank. 

Not because I didn’t know what I wanted to work on.


The blank WAS what I wanted to work on.

For the first time I didn’t feel the pressure to perform, achieve or be X, Y or Z.

Doesn’t mean that I don’t want any of that but just that I’m happy with where I am right now.

With taking things slow.

Going at my own pace.

There is no “deadline” to work towards.

I make my own deadlines.

And right now I’m deciding to throw all the deadlines out of the window and take it slow.


For so many years I felt pressured to grow, to improve, to perform fast.

Because the clock was ticking,

The years were flying by.

And that put me in an all-or-nothing mentality for so long.

That’s one of the reasons I kept going back to burnout.


But recently, in one of my coaching sessions I realised I would benefit better from reframing my perspective 

and came up with the affirmation: “I have ALL the time in the world”.

And that’s been a game changer for me.

With the pressure of performing gone I was able to come out of my freeze state and start achieving.

I finally started to accept the notion of “trial and error”. 

I used to think: Pfffft. who’s got time for that? Life is too short for that luxury. I need results and I need them 



But the more I rushed them the more I added to my plate.

The more I was stressed.

The more they eluded me.

And the more frequently I ended up paralyzed with overwhelm as I “heard” the clock handle tick-tocking


So, this year is my “no-resolution” resolution year.

Because a calm and peaceful mind is what I want to have this year.

How about you?


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Paulina Johnrose 39 w

Lovel it! Love the approach too🤗
