Tips for making a start to changing up your lifestyle from scratch.

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Starting from scratch can feel so overwhelming for people who have never done it before. This is a blog with some information im hoping will be on interest and hopefully help some people now or in the long run.

Don't give yourself a short space..... we've all done it "Right 1st Jan 8 weeks I want to lose a stone" I need to be 7 stone I need to be this. Fixating on numbers please dont using it as a guideline is fine. There are fit and toned men and woman about who are much heavier in weight ti what they look like and they look amazing. You can be lighter and still look bigger as muscle as proven weighs heavier. Also depending on not on what your aiming for but for your health too. 

Rather than train for the 1st 10 days of the year then burn out because you got the bug. Ease your weigh in ie, 3x a week, believe it or not rest days are important for rest and recovery. Athletes rest so they can keep training at hard at very high intensity and several times a week or a day but they have worked uo to this they didn't wake up on the 1st Jan and said thats it im training 3 times a day. Athletes have dedicated years out of their life to train that way. Don't be too hard on yourself. 

Mix cardio, hiits, weights or body weight. If you don't like exercise but have no problems throwing shapes on a night out then loom at something closer to your heart that is closer to that dance related.

I wouldn't always advise going straight in to weights not saying dont do any depending on the individual if you have X amount of fat to lose there is a chance that when you develop more muscle that there will be no space for fat and toxins to drain this could lead to being bulky ie if your one of these people who gain for weeks before you finally lose weight. Im this person on my legs so I'm not making this up. If your lymphatic system isn't working efficiently it will be harder to lose weight and keep getting bigger and this can be so disheartening. I would introduce it slowly. Everyone's body is so different to the next. If you haven't got too much to strip the crack on. Weights are good for you as you get older so it's definitely important to work on strength so you always have body weighted exercises. 

Hydration 2-3 litres of water..... WATER. NOT flavoured or coconut water. Again I'm not saying never have it but water is the only thing proven that fat recognises as hydration!!! 

If you think you have any disorders whether its not eating or binge eating. Please seek some help with behaviour and relationship with food when your in this frame of mind and someone hands you a plan it can be easier to self sabotage and get stuck in the cycle over eating and undereating and over training which can lead to injury. Make small changes bit by bit dont put too much stress on yourself and be kind to yourself 

Speaking of being kind massage seems to be seen as a luxury but should be a necessity if your putting your body through some serious paces then you should be looking after it not just better food and exercise and stretching. By introducing holistic therapies to your routine it will keep your muscles from getting too tight and reduces the risk of injuries. How many times I see people give up after injury but never treat it then dont go the gym for years..... 

Leading to the last if you get injured compromise work around your injuries find the best exercises to suit your needs some light work, swimming, stretching, yoga, walking, light weights. 

I could go on seriously. Hope this can help anyone in anyway. If this has come of any use to anyone give me a thumbs up I might still continue to write some after the next few days are done.


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