New Year- New Stress?

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Why setting New Year’s resolutions can do you more harm than good - and what to focus on instead

So many lovely people set their New Year’s resolutions after hearing the -

New year, new you

Best year yet

Time to make a fresh start-

Blah blah blah

But that rigid timeline of the new year can create a false sense of urgency.

Tryiing to force about a change that is a deeply ingrained habit or working against a subconscious belief overnight can lead to frustration and ultimately, failure.

Damaging your confidence and making future attempts at change seem daunting and even impossible


But why ?


When you are faced with a perceived threat or challenge, our nervous system activates the fight-or-flight response.


Releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, preparing you for immediate action.

 When you look at it regarding resolutions, this response can be triggered by the pressure to succeed, the fear of failure, and that rigid timeline of the new year, new me, new start etc


When the fight-or-flight response is activated for extended periods, it can lead to chronic stress.


This can then manifest in various ways, including anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, and weakened immunity.


 Chronic stress also disrupts the balance of the autonomic nervous system, leading to an overactive sympathetic nervous system and an underactive parasympathetic nervous system.

Chronic stress can negatively impact neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to change and adapt.

 This makes it harder to form new habits and break old ones, further contributing to feelings of frustration and failure and leading to feelings of

“I’m not good enough!”

“Why the F can’t I change ?!”


But here’s the thing- if you want to change anything, you absolutely can-

 Before attempting any significant change, it's crucial to regulate your nervous system and bring it back to a state of balance.


Allowing you to approach

"The Change Your Want” -  with a calmer mind, greater resilience, and increased success.


That’s why in any change the focus is on staying calm and relaxed –

regulating the nervous system and keeping the subconscious mind happy.


Reducing the stress hormones, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and promoting rest and relaxation means it’s easier to make changes and form new habits


Sustainable change and transformation are acheivable when combined with nervous system regulation-

  you can then approach your goals/ resolutions or whatever you want to call them with a renewed sense of clarity, confidence, and resilience.


This creates the foundation for making sustainable changes and achieving true transformation, not just temporary resolutions.

 Remember, lasting change is a journey, not a destination.

 Be kind to yourself, celebrate small wins, and focus on progress over perfection.

 By prioritising your nervous system's well-being, you can set yourself up for success in the new year and beyond making the true change and transformation you desire-


Here's a few extra tips to help you -  


  • Practice mindfulness and meditation-These practices can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and cultivate a sense of inner peace.  


  • Engage in regular physical activity-Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your mood. I love a dog walk for this- exercises them and me!! 


  • Get enough sleep: When you're well-rested, you're better equipped to handle stress and cope with challenges- and if you have trouble sleeping - mindfulness and meditation will help with this.


  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating nutritious foods can support your nervous system's health and function. Here's the thing if you are like me and quickly reach for the chocolate you know it makes you feel good immediately but the crash and come down is real - 


  • Connect with loved ones: Spending time with supportive group of people like friends and family can help reduce stress and boost your mood. Never underestimate the power of spending time with the right people.


By taking care of your nervous system and making positive lifestyle changes, you can set yourself up for a successful and transformative new year.


And if you want help to work at a subconscious level to create -

The Change You Want - 

check out my 1-1 program 

The Change You Want helping you to uncover the negative beliefs, blocks barriers and bullshit that's stopping you making that change.


The Change You Want - starts with You! 

what would you love to change ? 



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