Lunar Love - Part One

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How are our menstrual cycles connected to mama lunar's cycles? - mother moon teaches us how to ebb & flow with the energy...


I have a lot of knowledge about the female cycle after tracking mine for a decade or more reading book after book on it. I use the Womanlog app to track I am mostly perfectly synced up with the moon cycle but it does flip throughout the year. 


Cycles Changing

I have just come back from a 4 month period of bleeding on the full moon ovulating on the new moon, which made me on the 'healer's cycle.' When you bleed on the new moon ovulate on the full moon, it is known as the 'mother's cycle' which is the "preferred" cycle traditionally. In the olden days, if you bled on the full moon you were thought to be a witch hunted down for it!


The Sacred Cycles

The 'Mother's cycle' is the one I've flipped back to in the last 2 months. So, now, on the new moon, I am currently bleeding.

That means I will ovulate on the Full Moon. In my bleeding week, energy is low, I just want to cozy up in a blanket have someone stroke my hair pamper me but instead a lot of the time, we have to push ourselves to stay busy.

Energy will rise from the bleeding week alongside the rising crescent moon, as I enter into my pre-ovulation, or 'maiden' phase then I become flirty, cheeky I remember how to have fun, for a week!

When ovulation week comes, the moon will be full, the energy for me will be at its peak we will be at the mother phase. In this phase, I will always be about other people, the cheekiness turns into something more...

The pre-menstrual phase happens with the waning crescent moon. This means that as the light decreases, so does your energy.


Our Moontime Cycles

It feels like it does sit better with me personally though, because your darker days sync up with the moon's darker days also, so you feel the lunar energies more strongly.

As with the moon, the female cycle is on average 13 cycles a year, we are supremely tuned into the lunar cycle if we listen into ourselves.

Periods as well, can be compared to the seasons each' season' has an archetype as well. Winter=Menstruation, Spring=Pre Ovulation, Summer=Ovulation, Autumn=Pre Menstrual. 

For example, Menstruation days 1-7 are a reflective phase, you feel dark like the cold winter months or new moon, you're energy is low, you haven't got much get up go, but on the flip side, you can be at your most creative as well. This is the crone or wise woman energy. If the creativity aspect of yourself is not allowed to be expressed, then the wise woman will turn into the crazy woman (think of those months where pre-menstrually you turn into a psycho, or is that just me?!)

Pre-Ovulation days 8-14, are a dynamic phase where you have lots of energy drive to get things done. 

You feel reborn as your energy returns, it is like the new shoots at spring coming out to reach the sunshine. It is like the rising crescent phase of the moon where light is returning. This is your Maiden phase.


What days are what?

Ovulation days 15-21 are a more dynamic phase too. You tend to be all about others have energy to complete tasks, much like the heat of the summer where everyone is high energy because of the amount of light, like the full moon also. This is the Mother phase.

Lastly, the pre-menstrual phase, days 22-28/30 (mine vary), can be seen like the Autumn where you begin to feel the creativity more, want to shut yourself away, and not be bothered by anyone.

This is a letting go phase, as you travel back to the darkness towards winter, or like the waning crescent phase of the moon.

This week is where you feel the stress exhaustion from the previous cycle so you must rest when required. Great for decluttering letting go! I like to call this the Enchantress phase it is when you also feel very sexy powerful in your femininity. It's so fascinating to me!

It is a topic I'm obsessed with if anyone wants to talk to me about it, please feel free to message me. 

Also, I highly recommend some books to read: Miranda Gray - red moon, Lucy H Pearce - Moontime, and Miranda Gray - The optimised woman...the latter I am drinking up right now. I cannot put it down it is so interesting!

Enjoy folks I'm only a message away. Also, moon manifestation I am pretty good at too so let me know if you want any information. 

Much love hope your new moon intentions come true! 

Anna Chantal xx


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