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Connection is everything. Everything you have in your life is a result of a connection you have made with another person.

If you look at your life and the people in it, you will see that connection is EVERYTHING.

Everything you have in life is a result of a connection you have made with another person.

When a connection has been made, that plants the seed to start building a relationship. The relationship can’t grow without being nurtured and watered consistently.

It’s one thing to build a relationship but are you maintaining it? Are you caring for that plant that has grown from that connection and relationship? It takes work. There is no silver bullet. You need to put in effort. It doesn’t just happen on it’s own. Much the same as other relationships in your life with friends and family, if you don’t check in once in a while and let them know you still care, the relationship will slowly fade away.

You can nurture relationships online to some extent but nothing beats meeting up once a month face to face, making eye contact, hugging each other and being amongst the other person's energy. It’s at that point that you strengthen that connection and it forms a life of it’s own, it ripples like a pebble on water, and you can’t stop it if you wanted to.

If you’ve done it right, that person will be talking about you to other people they meet in a day, those people get curious and your follower count grows online, because they are interested in the things that you are interested in and they become part of your circle, they then tell other people and the circle gets bigger.

The ripple keeps going and you have no control over who other people are talking to and when someone needs the thing that you offer, you want to be the person who pops into their head because you have fostered a relationship that your competitors haven’t. You want to become known as the “go to” person in your area of expertise.

People are only going to know about you if you are constantly and consistently showing up online and in person and not only nurturing your audience but telling them what you are there to help them with. It’s their decision whether they accept the offer but it’s your responsibility to make sure they know about it!

Don’t be the worlds best kept secret. Go out there and be the amazing you that noone else can be because that’s your superpower! Noone else is YOU! 

If you want to experience the magick that only in person networking events can create and you're near Brisbane, you need to get to Woody Point next week. 

I'll be there with 25 other women (and counting) and how many people do you think we'll be talking to in the days, weeks and months following? It's limitless. 

Come and join us over at Mums in Business Moreton Bay here:

and jump in and reserve your spot before we sell out here:

See you there!

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