Find your she biz bestie

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The Power of women coming together to support and build each other up should never be underestimated. Read on to find how joining a MIB International group to network, make connections and learn from other women has changed so much for me

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

I'd never heard of this before I started my business, despite having been a psychotherapist for a good few years already. I can't tell you how much this resonates with me now though. Lockdown in 2020 was good for me, I was fully working from home as a therapist in the NHS speaking to clients online. I loved being at home all the time and the flexibility it opened up for clients being able to access therapy online, I also started a coaching course while we were all at home all the time.

What I didn't know was how the fluff to start an actual business. I didn't know anyone who had started their own business really either - definitely no other women. My husband had trained in Tuina and Reiki a few years back and dabbled in "business" but definitely couldn't be described as an expert and wasn't too encouraging either. My family were also a bit sceptical and someone else I knew told me I'd have to leave my job to start a business properly. I was determined though (not stubborn as I was told all the time as a child!!) Then I found Leona Burton and Heather Rose's course Facebook Fundamentals For Financial Freedom. Complete eye opener and the fact it also introduced me the Mums/Moms In Business International as well - game changer. I did not have to leave my job and I could build a business and a tribe without it taking hours on top of my employed job each day

Finding my biz besties

As soon as I joined the local group I knew I'd found exactly what I needed. The leader at the time was an amazing woman who had started a Keepsakes business and went on to become a business coach. She was one of the most welcoming people I have ever met and we still chat frequently. In fact we're meeting soon to take some photos we can both use on socials. The group was full of fabulous women and the online meetings were really well attended. I have got so much out of being a member of this community, as well as friendship and support. I have learnt so much from the members and from trainings in the main communities. I found my business coach via the then leader in Leeds Wakefield and I have done Reiki training with another member as well as finding perfect gifts from members of the local and wider group. I have met a few people who - you know when you just know that the person you're talking to is your person. They are just someone you have to spend time with for your own sanity. The empowerment and growth from being with other women who know where you at and just get what it's like being a woman in business is incredible. The feeling of being with other women who want to build you up and not knock you down is so powerful and even if it takes a while to find your biz bestie she'll be there ready and waiting for you.

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