Affirmations- How they can benefit our Mental Health

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Affirmations and Emotional regulation . Can they help us regulate ourselves/emotions ?

Blog 4 : There is scientific evidence on how reading affirmations can help your mental health !

I haven’t referenced this but it is out there and easily found if you like researching .

I’ve broken this down into 5 separate blogs so please read the follow up ones too

Blog 4

4. Emotional Regulation: Affirmations may help individuals regulate their emotions by focusing on positive qualities and intentions. This can contribute to improved emotional resilience and well-being, especially during challenging or stressful situations

I can do breath work whilst reading them soaking it all in . I actually find they calm me too , make me smile, feel good and even motivate me .
Try reading an affirmation before setting a goal or preparing for a difficult task ahead . Be aware of how you feel afterwards . Has your focus changed in anyway ?

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