The Mutual Benefits of Baby Massage And why it’s for you too

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It’s not just for your baby and below is why. The benefits are amazing for both of you it’s all about learning and growing through connection

The Mutual Benefits of Baby Massage 

Baby massage is often spoken for its long list benefits to infants. From promoting better sleep to aiding digestion and fostering a strong bond, the gentle strokes and rhythmic motions offer a plethora of advantages to our little one. However, what is less frequently talked about, yet equally significant, is the profound impact this intimate practice has on you the mums or any caregiver.

Come have a read as you are just as important. I will talk about the muma here as my classes are mum and baby focused but it's for all.

A Two-Way Street

1. Emotional Bonding: Just as the baby feels loved and cared for during a massage, so will you too, experiences an overwhelming surge of love and connection. The skin-to-skin contact stimulates the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin, which is as beneficial for the adult as it is for the baby.

2. Reduced Stress: The gentle process of massaging your baby not only calms the child but also serves as a moment of relaxation for the parent. The serene environment, combined with the focused task, can lead to reduced stress and a state of mindfulness.

3. Increased Confidence: Especially for new parents, handling a newborn can be intimidating. The practice of baby massage can bolster their confidence in understanding and responding to their baby's needs. Over time, this builds a more intuitive and trusting relationship.

4. Physical Health: Believe it or not, giving a baby massage can also be a mild workout! I love this one massage and workout win win. The motions, when done regularly, can help tone your arm and hand muscles.

5. Learning Adaptability: As you massage your babies, you become attuned to the subtle cues and responses of them. This observational skill is beneficial in other aspects of caregiving, enabling quicker reactions to the baby's needs.

While the immediate benefits of baby massage to the infant are undeniable, it's also important to recognize and appreciate the symbiotic relationship formed during these sessions. It's a shared journey of relaxation, connection, and growth for both parties involved. So, the next time you set out to give your baby a massage, remember – it’s a therapeutic moment for you, too.

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