What actually is networking?

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You've seen that networking for business is beneficial but you don't really know what it means. Most google searches make you more confused. Let's de-bunk what networking actually is

You've been running your business for a while and you keep hearing about this 'networking' but you're not really sure what it is 

You turn to your trusty friend google but all it comes up with is guys in suits and mentions of referrals which just makes you feel queezy 

There is a better way!

The MIB way! 

Honestly, over the last 7 years I have done lots of networking, in fact I think I've done most formats and I can hand on heart say MIB is exactly what it says on the tin!  

FUN, Relaxed and Supportive!!!!

So, what is networking? 

Simply put it's meeting with like minded people and building connections 

Yes, sales can happen from networking either in person meetings, online meetings or within online communities but if you're doing it just to sell your'e missing a trick.

The real magic is listening to others about what they do and then asking questions to further your understanding of their business so that the next time you see the typical "i'm looking for ..... who can help?" you have someone you can tag 

Networking is about building connections that can help you grow your business but that you can also go to for support in those times of wanting to quit! 

I often say I don't have friends beyond those in my business circle but actually some of those connections are my closest friends and I know I can call them when I'm stuck.  I met one of those for coffee, purely to just meet up and we ended up doing a business strategy session and becoming accountability buddies! 

Another great tool of networking is you meet people who have been what you have been through and can help you navigate and avoid the pitfalls that they went through.  Within MIB in particulat there a mums and women in business at various stages of business but you know what?,  we all have the same challenges - mindset, self belief, cashflow, visibility.

Networking is building your own group of cheerleaders!! 

So, my challenge to you is to go and find your cheerleaders!

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