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Igniting your desires is HOW you feel focused, abundant and TURNED ON to life!


Igniting your desires is HOW you feel focused, abundant and TURNED ON to life!

So many people are living the life they ‘think’ they should; instead of the life they truly desire. They are going through life feeling unfulfilled and plagued with that ‘ground hog day’ feeling.

Here are 5 steps to IGNITE YOUR DESIRES and getting you feeling ALIVE and MOTIVATED again:

1. Be honest with yourself. If what you are doing and what your goals are doesn’t get you feeling juicy for life – then it’s not the path you truly desire. What gets you passionate and excited?

2. If you can visualise it, you can create it! There will always be doubts and people telling you that you can’t – FUCK THEM! Nobody has to understand your desires AND you don’t have to know HOW – just keep visualising it and the answers WILL COME!


3. Visualise you achieving your desires EVERY DAY – this is a non-negotiable. You NEED to breathe life into what you desire to create and doing a vision board once and it hiding under your paperwork, isn’t going to make it happen for you.


4. Be precious with your desires. Only share it with people that can hold the vision WITH YOU that you can achieve it. If you give someone a sneak peak and they rain on your parade – stop. Don’t justify, don’t try to convince them – instead hold it close to you and call in the people that can help you make it a reality!


5. Take a step in the direction of your desire EVERY DAY! If you’re like me (a multi-passionate), you may have a case of shiny object syndrome or jump to something else believing that your desire won’t work. Be laser focused – stay true to YOUR desire, work towards it every day and IT WILL COME!


If you would like more support and inspiration in bringing your desires to life then my new mini course SOVEREIGN SPARK is for you!! Over 3 days I will show you how to identify your true desires and how to make those first steps while connecting with a supportive community who will be your cheerleaders every step of the way!!

Sign up TODAY for only £17!!


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