THE MOST important relationship is…

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..the one you have with yourself, communicated through your heart and connected by feeling your emotions

If you would like to

- Heal faster

- Live a more fulfilled life with periods of absolute bliss, and navigate life experiences with more ease

- Cultivate deep self acceptance and trust

- Be able to enter your next chapter along your growth path with POWERful resilience

Read on….

We have been conditioned in society to try not to feel the bad / negative emotions, and only focus on the good.

The truth is, that sadness, grief, frustration, anger are not bad emotions, they are part of the human experience.

Emotions can be seen as messengers from our heart giving us feedback about our inner state and experiences. They serve as signals that provide insight into our needs, desires, and perceptions of the world around us.

Just like messengers, emotions carry valuable information that can guide our actions and decisions.

If emotions aren’t allowed to be felt and flow (emotions are energy in motion) they can get stuck and trapped in the body, deep in the tissues, which can lead to dis-ease and other problems in the future (cue to deranged blood markers, or imbalances in your functional test results)

I know this too well from my doctoring under the Functional Medicine lens.

I often share that your issues are stored in your tissues and that you have to feel it in order to heal it.

The more you’re willing to feel and be with sadness and grief, the more you're willing to feel and be with absolute bliss.

In order to experience the higher vibration emotional states like joy, happiness, love, peace, you also need to be able to experience the depths of lower vibrational states such as sadness, fear, guilt, anger, shame.

When you don’t try to shut down and invalidate your emotions, this is a beautiful act of deep self acceptance and trust. You allow yourself to feel in the moment, trust the process of expressing your emotions fully, knowing that they will flow through you.

As you are not holding onto or retaining these emotions, this helps you to move through things with much more ease and resilience.

When you listen to and honour your emotions, you are essentially tuning into the wisdom of your heart. Each emotion carries its own message, whether it's joy signalling alignment with your values, sadness indicating a need for healing or reflection, or anger highlighting boundaries that have been crossed.

By paying attention to these messages and allowing yourself to fully experience and express your emotions, you can deepen our understanding of yourself and cultivate greater authenticity and emotional resilience.

Are you ready to transform your relationship with your emotions and grow your resilience as you navigate your beautiful life?

If you are answering ‘YES’ I invite you to try my 15 minute guided session in conscious dance medicine. It will help you get a taste of this transformation!

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