The journey of SHE Awakening® Healing pt 2 - the importance of self

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Continuing the series from the journey of SHE Awakening Healing, let's reflect over the importance of self in order to become who we desire to be.

The journey of SHE Awakening® Healing pt 2 - the importance of self

There are so many women who have a lot of gifts and skills but are trapped by past trauma and if some don’t even know they have trauma so find their way forcing through life wondering why everything is happening to them and never going their way.


I remember starting my business a couple of years after domestic abuse and let me tell you it was hard as f*ck. Why? because I didn't know I was carrying all these trauma from my past that was holding me back - self sabotage, low self esteem, self doubt, emotional wreck.


Now inside of my SHE Awakening® Academy, i teach about the 4 levels of self love awareness and for me i was vibrating at the frequency of everything happening to me - living in self victim/pitty mode - why, poor me.


Now, I know so many women are struggling behind closed doors, struggling to show up as a mom, show up in their work, life, business - wherever it be they are living from an unaligned place. This is why i fight so hard so women can know who they are and their worth and values.


What i love about SHE Awakening® Healing, it is built on the principle of S.E.L.F. Teaching guilding women how to heal and transform their lives using holistic energy healing personal growth practices to transform women's mind and emotions to give a better quality of life.


When you think about the amount of years we have been conditioned, this helps women learn to decondition from inner programs, pains and hurts, heal and reconnect back to their true self through a healthier state of wellness.


In my last series I couldn't stress enough how much this method changed my life without even fully knowing i was on the journey. This is why I rave so much about the transformation of SHE Awakening® Healing. Why? Because i am a walking testimony and it gives any woman the power to see and believe in tomorrow.


If you would like to experience a taste of SHE Awakening® Healing i would love to have you inside of my group onlines SHE Awakening Circle. The first session starts 17th March at 7pm for an energy exchange of £22.22 or $28.28.


You can click here to book:

Or comment with any questions and i will answer them for you.


Keep SHE-A

Shining Higher Energy Abundantly xx

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