Why manifesting isn't working for you and your business!

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We all know about the Law of Attraction and the Secret and I'll take a guess that you have tried it and had varying degrees of success. How would it feel to find out the REAL secret to manifesting to ensure you get the results you desire EVERY TIME?


The truth is MOST people decide to manifest something they don't have, which is why most manifestations are anchored in lack.

For example:

My client got in touch because they were never hitting what they needed every month in their business and they were at the point where things needed to change or they were going to have to get a job.

They told me because of this they were going to focus on manifesting more money through getting more clients.

My reply: DON'T!!

Here's why:

If they tried to manifest from this state, from their current feeling about their situation they may get some results but lack would always show up. They may get a load of new clients but a business bill would come in that would bring them back to square one. Some kind of lack would be weaved in because they started manifesting from a place of lack! ie they didn't have enough.

This is something that ISN'T talked about in many of the books ENOUGH! Yes they say about being in the vibration but most people start their manifesting BEFORE they are truly in that space.

So, what can we do?


The process of turning lack into abundance. Lead into Gold. Water into wine. Your energy of lack to one of abundance.

The alchemy is the SECRET. It is the MAGIC SAUCE!

It's what shifts you from feeling that you don't have enough to KNOWING you are already ABUNDANT and it is that place that you want to manifest from!

It's where I manifested nearly £20k in 30 days while hosting my own Fun Money Challenge and collectively the group and I manifested £40K!!

Fun Money Challenge

I'm running the challenge again (we start on Monday) and this time I have a collective goal of £100,000 or more!!

I have already shared some of my alchemy exercises, one being writing myself a check for £22,000 to be cashed in by 9/9/23. I shared it on social media and many people started writing their own cheques - one woman (pic is below) shared she had just received notification that she had £22,000 in a pension she had forgotten about!! AMAZING!!

£22,000 manifestation

3 hours I wrote the cheque I got an offer of £10,000!!

The work is in the ALCHEMY!!

The fun is in the ALCHEMY!!


You are more than welcome to join me in my next challenge!

There's a few ways to do that:

Join my group - Starlight Money Circle where you can join the challenge for £11


Purchase it for £22 here!

There's a reason there is a cost - my first alchemy exercise is about cementing in the belief that whatever you invest returns to you tenfold - so it's your choice!!

What I can promise you is that it's going to be a lot of fun!!

Are you in?


Stephanie C Starla

Stephanie Starla

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