Why oh Why??!

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When we start our businesses we all know WHY we want to do it. We all know WHY we can do what we can do. So why oh why do we need to remind ourselves so often?

The Big Idea

We start off in business all guns blazing don't we?  We have this fabulous idea, we know exactly what we want to do, who we want to help and how we are going to do it - we may not have dotted all of the 'i's' and crossed all of the 't's' but we know where we ant to be.

We are full of passion for our business, it is our baby.  We know what our purpose is. We are bursting at our seams with ideas and enthusiam.  We are going to conquer the business world and by this time next year Rodney we will be millionaires - you know it makes sense!


What Happened?

We soon realise that this business owner marlarkey isn't all its cracked up to be!  We see online that there are lots of people in the space where we want to be and they seem to be doing a pretty great job of it.

We see people claiming that they are making 10s of thousands of pounds a month and by the look of their social media they don't appear to be doing a massive amount of work for it!  This can't be right surely?

Are they on holiday again?  Is that another new car?  Is that them out for dinner in that very expensive restaurant?

Who on earth is going to want to work with little ole me, who isn't going on holiday, only has one car and if they are lucky will have a take away very occassionally? - That is what you end up thinking!!!


Short Term Memory Loss!

Because we are too busy looking at what other people are doing and how the give the impression that they are doing fantastically well, we have forgotten our passion, we have forgotten why we started our business in the first place, we have forgotten who we help, we have forgotten what our purpose is, we have forgotten our big ideas and where we wanted to take them!

We have forgotten that we were going to conquer the business world.

Our memory begins to fail us - it disappears and is replaced by barriers!


Move those Barriers Please!

Instead of the fabulous plans you had for your business, what was your baby, these have been replaced by feelings of not being good enough, not having enough time, not having enough money to move your business forward, not having the right knowledge - all of which is total BS

YOU ARE ENOUGH and this is your business and is totally different to anyone else's so it doesn't matter what the heck they say they are doing!

(just for information - a lot of what you read on the internet is FAKE - but you already knew that!)


Get your Vibe High Again!

To work through the barriers which are being created in your mindset, the first thing you need to do is remind yourself of your why.  Lift your passion again, feel that fire in your belly.  Raise that determination, get yourself motivated again.  No-one knows what you know.  No-one delivers the way you deliver.  Remember what inspired you to begin, remember who you want to be a role model for, remember who you want to help.

We spend too much time watching other people and concentrating on what is happening for them instead of concentrating on our own progress and trying to grow ourselves, personally and professionally.

If you want something you have to go out and get it.  If you want something you have to keep learning. If you want something you have to make sure you keep turning up and putting the work in.

If you are struggling with getting your mindset in the right place, I can help you with this, I can help you to get your passion back to its all time high, work through your barriers and help you create a plan of action to move your business forward.

Get in touch and lets chat! www.calendly.com/donnawalkermindset


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Kelisha Taylor 29 w

i love this! well done xx
