The benefits of showing up like a 4-year-old does in life

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Inspired by my 4-year-old's behaviour this morning, I reflect on the importance of finding purpose in life's everyday tasks and how I overcame my own struggles to connect with my inner drive to manage the weight of mundane responsibilities in life, motherhood and business.

This morning I was wondering ‘why is my 4yr old so motivated (and making my life easier) this morning?’


Usually it’s a mini battle / negotiation / playful saga that ensues to get her eating her breakfast and getting dressed


But this morning was different. And I quickly realised why.


She had a reason that was important to her, that made the means-to-an-end task of the morning routine, free from added [and unnecessary] drama and procrastination!


Her 8yr old brother said he would play and hide and seek with her once she was dressed - something that obviously brings her joy and adventure


Boom! Yes please Isaac can you do this EVERY morning?!


Why do I share this story?


Because it resonates with my life journey, and it may resonate with yours.


Once upon a time, I struggled to find and feel a good enough reason in my life and work, that motivated me to get out of bed every morning. 


This was particularly obvious to me on Sundays, once the ‘break’ of the weekend was coming to an end, and another week of ‘drudgery’ was weighing heavy on my chest. We called it the ’Sunday feeling’. 


Getting through the morning routine of kids, dishwasher, and getting changed, was just too overwhelming to do on my own, as I was so immersed in the energy of frustration and the state of “can’t be bothered-ness”


I was feeling lost and confused with what the point was to my life, such that my heart would sink in despair every time I had to mind the kids (rather than be excited to spend time with them)


This resulted in me frequently resorting to shouting to get my kids to listen and do what they needed to do as my levels of patience was limited


There were times in my past, even as a mother, professional and more recently a businesswoman, where I simply wanted to disappear from my life. 


Looking back I know exactly why this was happening in my life


I followed the path that I was told [become a medical doctor], but had lost sight of what made me come alive, feel happy or inspired from within. Not doing what truly lit me up as a person, was soul destroying. 


I had lost connection with my soul’s purpose. My power from within. In fact, I hadn’t even found it


Fast forward a few years, I experienced the catalyst [conscious dance as medicine] that accelerated my own personal transformation, which then later shifted my entire perspective and approach to life and my business.


It literally feels as if I have woken up from the deepest sleep! The real me has been shining out!


It encouraged me to come out of my shell to go on the journey [with lots of challenges!] to becoming and ever-discovering who I truly am at my core. 


I now feel excited by life, experience a deeper sense of wholesome aliveness in my mind, body and spirit on a daily basis, and have limitless levels of energy that can be felt by those around me in bucket loads, even without speaking to them.  


I am also coaching and leading myself through challenges and able to help others to powerfully lead themselves [self leadership is life changing!]


And those umpteen mundane [that can’t be avoided] tasks of life, become purposeful, most of the time! 


If this story resonates with you, and you are feeling the inner nudge to connect with your purpose and become who you truly are at your core, TRUST THAT POWER FROM WITHIN YOU and DM me!!!!!! 




My name is Dr Indika and I help frustrated female biz owners unlock their unique limitless power and genuinely enjoy all aspects of their life and business in under 15 minutes a day.  

After after two decades as a NHS GP and Functional Medicine doctor, I officially let go of my medical license in Dec 2022, to throw myself into using conscious dance as a healing and empowering medicine.  

I have absolutely no regrets! 

I'd love to connect - my inbox in ZZatem, facebook, LinkedIN is always open!


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