What is Inner Child Healing

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What is Inner Child Healing and why will it benefit me?

What is Inner Child Healing?

Lots of people say this to me when they come to join us at one of our Community Camping and Healing Gatherings in Mynyddcerrig, nr Llanelli, in South West Wales.

Inner child healing can help you to process internal suffering, which can help you change maladaptive behaviors. Working with a therapist, you can do several things to reduce the suffering of your inner child dramatically.

Inner child healers show you how to heal from your negative childhood experiences and create a mindset full of confidence and belief in yourself and your abilities so they can drop their 9 – 5, show up confidently on social media to attract clients, and make sales so you can establish a healthy work/life balance so they can start enjoying life again with their family and friends. 

Childhood hurts

Things that seem so trivial now as adults really hurt us as children and as things like this kept happening can cause us to put up a wall to keep us safe. 

This wall then stops us allowing people to get close to us and us developing strong relationships with others. 

Stops us trusting

It stops us trusting the world and the people in it and it can make the world a scary place.

Not good enough

When the teacher shouted at us for something we couldn't do, it laid a seed that we wernt good enough. If we had already been told or made to feel by parents that we wernt good enough then this makes more seeds, maybe it's that final seed that grows the tree of not good enough and this then shapes your whole adult life.

Fighting Parents 

Maybe you grew up with constantly fighting parents, and despite desperately trying to find a stable relationship and create a stable home life it just never happens? This can be because your energy is used to vibrating at a state of chaos and fear and although you didn't like its what your used to, so your mind keeps pulling you back into these situations, kind if like an uncomfortable comfort zone.


Perhaps when you were a child you were bullied? Emotionally or physically. What did that teach you about yourself? And the world around you? Not only those who bullied and teased you but those around who knew and didn't try to stop it? Did it teach you that life hurts? That you'll never be accepted? That no-one can be trusted? That no-one will stand up for you? 

Or perhaps it taught you to be a lone wold, never let anyone support you? Or to hurt first before they hurt you? That the world us a cruel place and the only way to survive is to be the cruelest?

Now you get to decide

All of our childhood experiences mould us into the person we are today, but as a child we had no control over these situations but today as an adult you do. You now get to decide if you do want your life to be different. You get to choose whether you continue being that victim or you claim your life back.

Help with your Healing 

You can do this by working directly with an Inner Child Healer, someone who can expertly guide you through your hurts of childhood and to reconnect with and soothe your inner child.

I can show you who to do this or there may be someone else that you know who can help you.

If you'd like to claim the rest of your life back send me a message

Inner Child Healing Retreat 

Or if you'd like to heal while surrounded by others who are healing their inner child too join us for our Inner Child Healing Retreat 17th-19th May nr Llanelli in South West Wales, prices from £200

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