Do Business Owners Suffer with Self Doubt?....I've never Doubted It!!!!!

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Business owners go on this journey which is just full of highs and lows. One minute you are having a success next you are looking at a setback. In all of this one of the biggest barriers we face, as business owners, is self doubt. Hopefully this blog will help you through a few which we

Love your Imposter Syndrome!

Many of us battle imposter syndrome - that little voice in the back of our minds always questioning our abilities, it makes us feel as though we are just pretending that we know what we are doing and that our successes and our wins aren't all that important.

The truth is that even the most successful people suffer from the feeling of imposter syndrome.  This isn't something which is new, it's not something which is just happening to those who have no qualifications, those who have no experience - it happens to the highly educated, the highly experienced.

It is happening because you are pushing yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone.  So next time you feel that imposter syndrome, smile to yourself and say thanks for turning up, but I'm good thanks, I've got this - because you will know that it has turned up because you are stretching yourself, you are growing, you are moving forward - and actually you don't need the safety net or the comfort barrier - you're all good.


Oh That Comparison Trap!

Social Media is a fabulous tool to help to grow your business, but you have to remember that is all it is a tool.  It is so easy to fall into the rabbit hole of scrolling for hours on end, looking and drooling over other people's successes and achievements.  You then think of your own successes and achievements and they all of a sudden seem extremely small in comparison.  

The difference here is you know that your succeses and achievements are real, you know what it has taken to reach your goals.  You know who you have surrounding you, who cheer you on.  The people you see on Social Media - unless you actually know that person, how do you know that it is real??  I could post photos up of me stood next to a very nice yacht, but it wouldn't be mine - I know where I could go and have the pics taken though.....but I wouldn't do that because its not real, its not authentic and its not honest.

Comparing yourself to others robs you of enjoying your business journey, it robs you of enjoying those around you who you trust, cheering you on, because you will start to not believe them, thinking they just feel sorry for you and then you will be going down a completely different rabbit hole!!

Concentrate on your own journey, everyone else is concentrating on theirs.  You will not move forward while you are looking at others.


I need your Validation!!!

We all like to hear that people like our hard work and they are impressed by our achievements.  When we start to rely solely on praise from others this can lead to a dangerous cycle of self-doubt.  

Instead of waiting for other to give you praise, learn to praise yourself.  Celebrate your own wins, your own victories - no matter how big or small these are.  Take pride in your own accomplishments, acknowledge what you have achieved.  Know that true validation comes from within.  Know that you are worthy and deserving of success.

Create your own goals, celebrate when you achieve them.  Create small ones which will help you to achieve your big goal, by the side of it write down how you are going to celebrate - you won't need anyone else's validation, you will be too interested in your own party!


This is so Overwhelming!!

It can be very easy to become overwhelmed as a business owner in this day and age.  We live in a very fast paced world.  Remember that you are not alone when you have these feelings - reach out, talk to someone, ask for help.

Things that you can do is prioritise your self-care - this is something I was very guilty of.  I didn't priorise me!  I felt guilty if I wasn't working - I should be on Facebook answering comments, I should be on Facebook posting, I should be building my emailing marketing .....I don't feel that way anymore, if I want to do something for me I do it - no guilt.  When I'm working, I am so much more productive - believe me you soon realise you are so much more capable than you think.

Can you delegate tasks?  Can you outsource any work.  I know that at the start of a business journey outsourcing may not be much of an option - but you may find that some people are willing to exchange services rather than money.  I have delegated tasks to my youngest daughter - nothing spectacular, but it was something which needed to be done in my office and would have taken my time.

Just remember its ok to take a day off, its ok to take a step back and recharge - you are in control.


Self Doubt is a natural, normal part of the business owner journey, but it doesn't have to be something which defines you.  If you take the challenges with confidence and resilience you will grow and will be stronger and fearless than you ever have been.

I'm Donna Walker a Business Mindset Coach and I am passionate about helping and guiding female business owners to identify and work through their mindset barriers so they can build success however that looks for them.  Please feel free to connect.


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