The journey to Kundalini Reiki

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Have you ever heard of Kundalini Reiki? Neither had i. Today i want to share with you about this beautiful modality. This post is a mix of info and my story. I want to share this with as many women as possible. Follow me on this journey and learn about this healing and transformational mod

So what is Kundalini reiki?

Kundalini reiki is a type of reiki adapted from traditional reiki. It purifies the energy channels that we carry with chakras. Kundalini reiki is a blend of hindu and ancient yoga with japanese reiki.

The kundalini reiki is represented by a snake and fire that sleeps at the bottom of root or base chakra. When laid dormant our full potential has been activated when it awaken’s its starts from the base pulling all of mother earth's energy up and activating each chakra making it’s way up to the crown chakra.


Why i fell inlove with Kundalini Reiki?

For 4yrs I have been carrying a pain in my chest. Doctors said it was nothing but I knew it was something deeper.

I was taking a course and at the end the tutor gifted us a bonus course called kundalini reiki. After taking the course I fell inlove with the modality and used it on myself.

Now, did you know that trauma could manifest as pain in the body? I didn't know. I never knew what trauma physically felt like in my body, only the mental symptoms.

On the 24th March, I started my healing journey using kundalini reiki and by the 26th March I decided I wanted to be attuned to this beauty and I became a Kundalini Reiki Master. 3 days in and what I was experiencing was HEKA (magic) - literally the answers to my pain. 


What are the benefits of Kundalini Reiki?

Now I am just over 2 weeks in, I have had not only the physical pain shift but shifts in my life - I have been longing to have since 2020 - can you imagine? Anything I've learnt healing wise THIS out does it, I am NOT being extra either.

Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? Yep i get you, i am a skeptical type person 70% of the time but this really helped me shift the blocks in my life.

I have also had the blessing to share kundalini reiki with others in my circle and friends and their testimonials have been jaw dropping.



Boost of energy | Have more clarity | Feel at peace within | A healthier mind, body | Watch opportunities come following your way... and that's only some - what about emotional and mental imbalances becoming balanced, a deeper self love and compassion for self... LIFE CHANGING RESULTS WHEN YOU PUT THE WORK IN ON YOURSELF.

What I love the most is I took a stand alone modality and tweaked it to make it my own with even more added depth. My style of kundalini reiki has 4 different modalities added to it to really bring myself and others healing on a different level.

I will be sharing about this alot more as a stand alone as well as inside of my SHE Awakening® Circle. It's brought a shift in my world, what else can it do for others?


To end..

I am so proud to be a Kundalini Reiki Master who is a testimony of what Kundalini Reiki can do. Not only am I a practitioner of this modality, I have incorporated my unique twist of other energy healing practises to help take assisted healing and transformation to another level and bring deeper results.

This brings a deeper connection to yourself and the universe. I have also added it to my SHE Awakening approach so everyone can benefit.


If you would like to book either a 1:1 Kundalini reiki session or experience this inside of SHE Awakening Circle drop me a message by clicking the link below. I will be more than happy to help.


Click here: [email protected]

Shining Higher Energy Abundantly

Kelisha xx

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