Busting Mindfulness Myths for ADHD & Busy Minds

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Join me on a journey of debunking common myths surrounding mindfulness and discover how it can be a powerful tool for those of us with ADHD and busy minds.

Hey my fellow wanderers of the busy mind! Today, we're diving deep into the realm of mindfulness to debunk the myths that may be undermining our potential.

So find yourself a cozy corner, take a moment to breathe, and let's explore how we can embrace the transformative power of presence in our lives, even amidst the chaos of Anxiety, ADHD or past trauma  


Busting Myths

  • Myth #1: Mindfulness is only for the serene yogis in lavender-scented rooms.
    The amount of times I hear this! Let me assure you, that mindfulness is not an exclusive club reserved for those who ooze calmness. It is a practice for all of us, craving connection, compassion, and sanity in the midst of life's whirlwinds. No need for fancy yoga mats or exotic incense; all that's required is an open mind and a willingness to fully embrace the present moment.


  • Myth #2: Mindfulness means banishing all thoughts from our busy minds and having nothing going on in there. 
    Oh, how far from the truth that is! Mindfulness isn't about forcefully evicting thoughts from the bustling premises of our minds. It's about gracefully acknowledging the thoughts without judgment and allowing them to come and go like curious tourists passing through a busy square. Instead of pushing thoughts away, we learn to notice them- observe them, giving us the power to choose which ones we want to engage with. And letting the rest go. 


  • Myth #3: Mindfulness demands hours of blissful solitude. It's something you need to schedule or make time for like going to the gym. 
    Good news, my fellow busy bees! Mindfulness doesn't require us to lock ourselves away in isolated caves for hours on end. Believe me, I understand the juggling act of responsibilities, commitments of parenting, having my own business and the unavoidable distractions that come with ADHD. But here's the secret ingredient: mindfulness can be seamlessly woven into our everyday lives. We can find those precious moments of stillness and savor them, whether it's a sip of morning coffee or a walk in nature, noticing the birds singing or the clouds passing or the feeling of the wind on your skin. It's all about present moment awareness. 

  • Bonus Myth #4: Mindfulness doesn’t work for me because I have ADHD. Ah, my dear friends, let's address this bonus myth that has found its way into the shadows!!
    It's true that living with ADHD can present unique challenges, but it doesn't mean mindfulness doesn't work for people with ADHD. In fact, embracing mindfulness can be particularly empowering and helpful for those of us with ADHD.

    Mindfulness is not about magically erasing our ADHD-related struggles or instantly having a laser-like focus. Instead, it offers us a powerful tool to navigate the twists and turns of our minds with grace and self-compassion. It allows us to create an awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences, helping us better understand ourselves and make conscious choices.

    Yes, it's true that our ADHD minds may wander and get easily distracted. But here's the beauty of mindfulness: it teaches us to gently bring our attention back to the present moment, time and time again, without judgment. It helps us develop the skill of refocusing, much like a muscle we strengthen through practice.

    In fact, research has shown that mindfulness practices can improve attention span, reduce impulsivity, and enhance cognitive function in people with ADHD. By incorporating mindfulness into our lives, we can create a more supportive and compassionate environment for ourselves, allowing us to navigate the unique challenges of ADHD with greater ease.

    So, let's embrace this transformative practice and prove the myth wrong. Mindfulness is not just for those without attention challenges; it is a powerful ally on our journey of self-discovery and growth. Together, let's unlock the hidden potentials within us and embrace the incredible gifts our ADHD minds possess.

Top tips

And now that we've laid bare the misconceptions, let's sprinkle some practical tips to kickstart your mindful journey and integrate it into the rhythm of your ADHD-fueled existence:

  • Tip 1: Start with wee baby steps.
    There's no need to overwhelm yourself with grand expectations, rushing into a new thing that you can't sustain. Begin with small, manageable steps. Carve out just a few minutes each day for mindfulness practice. It could be as simple as focusing on your breath, observing your surroundings, or tuning in to the sensations within your body. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small.


  • Tip 2: Anchor mindfulness to your daily routines.
    We, as creatures of habit, thrive on routines. We can infuse mindfulness into our daily rituals. Whether it's a mindful shower, savoring each bite during a meal, or incorporating a brief meditation into your morning or bedtime routine, discover those moments that naturally lend themselves to mindful awareness 


  • Tip 3: Embrace guided meditations. Guided meditations can be our trusted companions on the healing journey of mindfulness. Countless apps, podcasts, and online resources offer guided meditations tailored specifically to the unique mind of someone with ADHD. Seek out the ones that resonate with you and let them guide you on this adventure. Or join my free Facebook group here Thriving Minds for ADHD


  •  Tip 4: Cultivate self-compassion.
    Navigating the vast ocean of your mind can sometimes feel like weathering a storm. You're going to have a lifelong relationship with yourself so make sure it's a good one! Be kind to yourself. Embrace self-compassion and recognise that your ADHD mind is beautifully unique, and perfectly imperfect. Embrace the messy moments and prioritise self-care practices that nourish your soul.

Remember, dear ones, that mindfulness is not merely a destination to reach; it is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and meaningful connections.

So let's bravely shatter the myths that hold us back and embark on this mindful adventure that will revolutionise the way we experience life, one present moment at a time.


if you'd like to learn more mindfulness tips, tool and resources, join my free group Thriving Minds here. 

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