Make That Connection!!!!

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What do you think the best way is to make that connection? Face to face networking? Online networking? Connecting online and following up? Or all of them???....I reckon it's all of them!!!

Networking is just the best!!!

This week I have been to two face to face networking meetings and two online meetings.  With the face to face meetings, I was guest speak at one and spotlight sponsor at the other.  In two different areas I spoke to some amazing women who all had their own businesses and I told them all about my business and all about me.


I have had my photo taken by professional photographers at both meetings!!! How fabulous is that??? I have put faces to names, to people who's posts I have seen online and made comments on.  I have caught up with friends I have made because of networking.


I have gone online and spent time in break out rooms and been in the company of some women I would never have had the opportunity to have met.


This is the absolute beauty of Mums/Moms in Business Networking!!  


I have never felt unwelcome, even from the very beginning.  I love going to the events, I don't worry about who is going to be there because I know that I will get a warm welcome no matter who is there.  We are all singing from the same songsheet because we all want the same outcome.


Making Connections!!


Not only have I been out and about networking - I have also been chatting to people on calls.  Not trying to sell them anything, or them selling me anything.  We have just connected, found out about each other and now we are on a different level.  From these calls I now have other collaborations, other ventures in the pipeline!! How fabulous is that??


This is something special that I have just discovered.  I haven't just reinvented how to run a business or how to be social.  What I have done is took advantage of every single opportunity which has presented itself to me.  Anything which aligns with me and my values, I'm all over it!


Every single connection I have made this past week has been because of Mums/Moms in Business and the opportunities it has put in front of me. Whether that be the events or giving me the platform to be able to connection with other people.


What about you??

Are you taking full advantage of everything which is put in front of you?  Do you even see the opportunities when they arise or do you have blinkers on?  These opportunities won't wait for you, if you don't take them, someone else will.  

Grab everything you can with both hands, everything you do, everything you say, everything you learn, everyone you meet - will take you closer to your dream, to your vision, to your freedom.  Now that sounds pretty amazing to me!

If this is something which you struggle with, don't let it be.  Don't sit there alone, wishing that you could be doing the same things - don't wish, do it.  Reach out and ask for help.  If you would like to have a chat about the fear of putting yourself out there, please get in touch.  You can book in for a call or drop me a DM, you can find me on Facebook. - I have a course starting on 30th April, it might just be something which would be perfect for this.

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