An Introduction: The Story of Beyond Realms

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A blog about how Beyond Realms was conceived

Have you ever had a thought just whack you in the face? Like realising you haven’t introduced yourself? Well, that is exactly the revelation that hit me this morning. So let’s rectify that, shall we?

My name is Sarah and I’d like to take you on a journey through the inception of Beyond Realms and why it holds such a special place in my heart. Firstly, let me paint a picture of who I am beyond the realms of my business. I am a proud mother of two wonderful children aged 12(nearly 13 but I am in denial) and 9. They are my world and I strive to be the best version of myself for them. In addition to being a devoted parent, I also serve as a caregiver for my husband who battles with M.E. This role has taught me the meaning of resilience and compassion.

One of my passions outside of family life is the art of Cross Stitch. My creative endeavours often find me knee-deep in a myriad of projects, much to the delight of my ADHD. But variety is the spice of life, right? Oh another thing about me is that I have an unabashed love for the TV show Supernatural. I confess that I am an avid fan of the Winchester Brothers and their adventures. In fact, you will catch me rewatching episodes while I tackle my morning workout routine. Hey, a girl’s gotta stay prepared in case a demon decides to drop by, am I right?

However, when I am not immersed in the world of cross stitching or binge watching my favourite TV series, I wear another hat - that of a business enthusiast. Beyond Realms is my baby that was launched in December 2023. At its core, Beyond Realms is a haven for busy entrepreneurs seeking assistance in crafting systems tailored to their unique needs. My mission is to empower individuals by liberating them from the shackles of mundane tasks and allowing them to focus on the essence of their business.

So what do I offer? You’re feeling like you are drowning in a sea of administrative tasks, from data entry to schedule management and you are looking for a lifeline. That’s where I come in. I specialise in harnessing the power of productivity tools like Notion which will help transform your chaos into streamlined efficiency. Need help organising your accounting data? Consider it done. Require assistance in managing your jam packed schedule? Consider me your personal time wizard!

What drives me each day is the sheer delight I witness in my clients when they experience the transformative impact of my services. There’s nothing quite like seeing someone’s burden lift as they realise the newfound freedom to pursue what they love within their business. It’s the fuel that propels me forward and ignites a passion to serve and support others on their entrepreneurial journey.

What do you need help with? Beyond Realms is here to turn your vision into reality. Together, let’s transcend the ordinary and venture into the extraordinary because beyond the realms of possibility lies infinite potential.

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